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sexta-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2015

Devotional for Presidents, Kings, Princes, Ministers and Leaders. 22

The Leader breaking through!
"It happened that at the time she gave birth, there were twins in her womb; and she gave birth, one put out his hand, and the midwife took a scarlet thread and tied it on his hand, saying, This came out first. He drew back his hand, behold, his brother came out; and I said, How hast thou broken forth? So was called Perez "Genesis 38: 27-29.
Friend and beloved leader of a nation and people. The many moments in this crazy and frantic life we ​​are faced with situations that face it seem walls of iron and steel. We try to go through them and not got it! We try to break them and the hand gets hurt or the hammer is broken. The walls of life seem indestructible!
I speak of situations even our lives. Individuals or professionals when the problem seems to beat us and we were defeated.
Almost six years ago, I went through this. It was a church more than 14 years, and when I entered this church did as aspiring to the ministry. But in the previous church I was already Minister and not given me this position, but the bottom. I accepted thinking that the next Congress, which would take place in two years would solve everything, but that nothing, the person who should direct me did nothing, did nothing and still messed up my career in this church. I do not hold grudges nor resentment, but do not forget, to not make the same mistake.
As the years have passed, 14 to be exact, and the Lord told me: This is it!
Fought, not regressed in the face of threats, does not give up in the face of new obstacles: This signature is not clear!
And even on the day of anointing a minister of the Gospel, people wept with joy and others wept with rage!
When the secretary of the board anointed my head with oil, he bent down and spoke into my left ear:
-You breaking through! As Pérez broke and you won!
This walk as President, King, Prince, Minister and leader of a nation ... You have to break!
Resilience, do not give up any obstacle, Fall and get up, cry, wipe his face and smile! Do not look slander and insults, not to be slaughtered by any difficulty! As Perez you will win and break, in the name of Jesus!
Rogério Oliveira prophet

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