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domingo, 6 de dezembro de 2015

Devotional 12: Prayer by: Presidents, Kings, Princes, Ministers and Leaders.

My God, powerful Father! The authority I have in Jesus' name! Spirit of Miracles, signs and wonders and marvels. First I want to thank you for the healing of your Father son. The Lord heard our prayers, Thank you!
Father, at this time, cover with your grace in thy children who are now in leadership positions in their nations and kingdoms, which the Lord direct your steps and your way because your word says:
-Lamp To my feet is your word, and a light unto my path!
Father, give to your son Obama, who today talk his nation, wisdom, grace and strength of anointing. That today is a day of blessings and victory in Jesus' name!
Father, that thy children in the Americas, Europe, Africa, Oceania and Asia may have the wisdom and insight to understand the times and seasons. That its strength is the Lord who made heaven and earth, that your hands are strengthened to work and to lead his people in the fear of the Lord.
Father, guard, protect, bless and prosper all who trust in you, for in thee have refuge and stronghold in the day of distress.
They are as "tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.
Psalms 1: 3
"May the Lord bless you and keep you! May the Lord make your face shine upon you and of peace."
Rogério Oliveira prophet

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