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domingo, 13 de dezembro de 2015

Devotional 14 for Presidents, Kings, Princes and Leaders. Updated !

"Then said Saul unto his servants, Seek me now a man that can play well, and bring him to me.
Then answered one of the servants, and said, Behold, I have seen a son of Jesse the Bethlehemite, who knows how to play and is brave and strong, and a man of war, and prudent in matters, and a comely person; the Lord is with him. "
1 Samuel 16: 17-18
King Saul gave an order: seek someone! But someone with wisdom and intelligence said to the king:
- Not is need my king, you asked a quality, but I know someone who has seven!
Today, let me list the qualities of a President, King, Prince, Minister and Leader, who wants to be a blessing to his people and nation:
1) expert at playing
2) Is brave
3) vigorous
4) War man
5) Prudente in words
6) Gentle presence
7) The Lord is with him.

Qualities of King David that transcends time and space.
If you seek for your personal, political and administrative these qualities, do not say that everything will be solved, but I assure it will very soften his career and life, since it will prevent problems of our own making, when we act moved by feelings that obscure our eyes.
So what are these characteristics to me and you ?:

1) Expert at playing: That is to say, he knows his job. David had skill at what he did. I was ready and able to exercise their office. Always try to improve. Always try to recycle. Be updated, is tuned not to miss the good of the land.
The leader needs to be around people who have the spirit of the Lord, not pork spirits as we see many today. They look like they are next to the leader only to tip it. David played and God bless.

2) It is brave:  Do not running the difficulties. But did not run after them as well. David was brave, not bully. Not intimidated but not humiliated anyone. As he said he was not running behind problems, but if they came to him, he responded in kind.
He said that one day a bear attacked a flock of sheep, he took him by the Baraba and killed him. A lion also attacked the sheep symbolizes his people, he faced him, did not back down and killed him. One bear and one lion, no longer come back to attack his people, others could come up, but they would know that they would have to face the brave!
David did not gave the dots, died in the battle, but the sword was at hand! He faced challenges.

3) It is vigorous, is courageous: That is, he is always ready to do their best. This is the example. The leader is the first to arrive and the last to leave. But it is also the first to be able to have time with your family and for your rest. I remind you the words of my Lord Jesus:
"What will it profit a man to gain the whole world, (President, United, leadership, ministry), and lose ... (his family ???).
David was POSITIVE, run of discouraging people, Diggirls who bury their dreams and plans even before they were born.

4) man of war: He faced any problem. Ready to lead the battle. When injustices, when terrorists, when evil wants to enter its doors, the leader is prepared. Even if he does not like the war you must be prepared to lead. If God put you there, God will enable him to lead his people.
David one day faces a giant, ESBÍBENOBE, a descendant of the giants, but here, an old man, he almost dies, but went to fight, but God comes to his aid and sends Abissai, going into the fight and defeat the giant.
Even if you do not have the full force, God will send you help, deliverance will come, I believe! I hope.

5) Prudente in words: David could speak at the right time and had the right word for the moment. We've all seen how many international disasters is given by a word out of turn or given at the time of strong emotion. Let us be restrained in words.
His word was yes, yes and no, no. Kept his promises.
"Man is happy to answer well, and how good is a word spoken in due season! Proverbs 15:23."

6) Gentle presence: His presence showed humility, not weakness. When he came all rejoiced. HE was the feast of joy. It's sad when someone comes and they all say: The party is over, the guy has come!
But it's great when our presence glad to friends and future friends you will, just by their presence.

7) The Lord is with him: This is for me the main point. He demonstrated in his life that God was with him in all areas. The person looked and said, My friend, you see? David slew the giant ... Only God can do that!
People saw that much of his accomplishments could only have been done with the help of God. Let God be God in your life. Let your face shine with the gentle presence of your love. The Lord is with you one hundred percent. Peace.

Rogério Oliveira prophet

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