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terça-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2015

Devotional 8: To Presidents, Kings, Princes, Ministers and Leaders.

The Wisdom of Solomon:
Everyone knows the historical wisdom of Solomon Kings. That instead of asking for gold, riches or the lives of their enemies asks God to give him wisdom to guide their people.
It is also known its most emblematic case, the case of two prostitutes, where there he put his knowledge to the test and passes with flying colors and merit.
And here is what I tell you. Solomon not only gave a judgment in this case but also showed how a true King, President, Minister, Prince or leader should be.
He was a very old, gave access to justice and the real presence of two outcasts of society, two prostitutes. Solomon receives them, judge their cause with equity and is no respecter of persons, but treats everyone equally in judgment, not hanging down or to one side or the other.
Friend and brother, work for justice is always justice. Work for his people. Treat the same as equal and different as different, that is justice, that is equity.

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