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terça-feira, 10 de novembro de 2015

Virginity and marriage

 Virginity and marriage

I want to make my testimony about marriage and my vision of virginity in these our times schizophrenic. I do not think everyone will agree, but I think what I experienced may be a means for youth.
I was born in a house where my mother was Christian and my father liked to beat the drum, (after his split my father became holy father and in 1994 became a Christian and is now a Christian pastor), but my father was very absent in this period and my education and culture came from my mother and Methodist church crest of Brazil and Wesleyan Methodist.
Well, that it characterized my life and conduct learned and lived it:
-Wedding Is blessed by God.
-Live Chastity is blessed by God. (Although it is dificilll hell).
-Virgindade, Is also a blessing.
-Roubar Not come from God.
-Mentir Is not of God.
But the topic I want to touch is virginity and marriage!
So have learned at home and at church, I never wanted to go to a brothel to start me, and look at it for two years, when I lived with my father and his current wife, lived next to a "zone" meretricious called Jua, and sold popsicles and pudding in that place, I saw many women and young people prostituting themselves, tina 12 years, and many boys were children of these ladies who worked there and played ball and studied together. But I never went into the wave to make "it" because everyone did, because church teachings the ever were with me:

Train up a child in the way he should go, because even being old he will not depart from it!

I dated many girls and even being strong temptation not succumbed to have sex outside of marriage. I exceeded a few times in my dating, nothing too who do not could-be seen, but that time was different, but never did something one day repent me, as easily today, not control, do not weigh the consequences and when less They are stuck waiting for life to a bond that is expected right time, God and bless your family.
I was single pastor eight years and kept my conduct, dated and not regret anything in my dating. Respect the girl and her parents was the agenda of my relationships.
I married 30 years old and married with no sexual experience (Yeah I married "virgii"), my wife was also a virgin and was very good, and it's great to know that I never had any sexual relationship with another person unless with my wife and now I can also say with great joy that never touched or kissed another woman and not of the same sex, unless my wife, I am faithful, thank God!
Note: Power to say, it was just me and it just was not my ... is to despise not my son!
Have fought to keep me in my youth chaste and faithful in my marriage was and is a wonderful adventure. I do not regret anything in this area, I have no fear of surprises on my door: This is your son! Only if stoned by thought.
I'm not perfect, far from it, but my sins are great for me, but maybe for you are nothing, went through unscathed my life as Jesus and Joseph in Egypt, I had my nightmares and still, unfortunately marked my life.
Masturbation, pornography, were my sins Single, I came to masturbate 4-5 times a day, (Believe it began to masturbate with 23 years before thought "feel" already was all, it gives garden), buy comics on newsstands BH and through the Internet ... well, I was not perfect, but way to holiness under the blood of Jesus of Nazareth, who can sympathize with me, why suffered the things suffered.
If you missed this area, do not despair, ask God for forgiveness stand up and move on, he had relations with the girl, she became pregnant, if you love each other, get married and be happy, but if not love, not married, do not ruin the life of one another, God does not bless the lack of love and sincerity.
The fall is the man, but the raise is of God!

Obs: Of course. If someone says: He said he never touched another woman, not another man! Implying something about you being gay.
- Yes, you were my wife, I had forgotten.

Prophet, pastor Rogério Oliveira

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