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quinta-feira, 12 de novembro de 2015

In defense of minorities

Yesterday I read two stories that make me more concern than was already a long time. The first was that the religious majority can not today in India is pursuing the Christian minority. Killing and burning churches and homes, if not people. A child was burned alive in a church.
Another was the news of a gay couple who is being pursued in the northeast, in full democracy and the rule of law brasiliano, people being persecuted for their choice and personal choice, a national sorrow and public shame.
When we can no longer sympathize pain of others and when not to bother, then there is no more hope. We lost humanity that God has given us. Love for each other and for the creation of the Father. When we rejoice in sadness and bitterness of others, when we kill domestic animals to take revenge, God will be the judge of all things.
"These things hast thou done, and I kept silence; you thought it was just like you, but I will rebuke you, and set them in order before your eyes:
Heard as this, you who forget God; so I will not do it in pieces, and there be none to you.
One who offers the sacrifice of praise shall glorify me; and to him that orders his way I will show the salvation of God. "
Psalms 50: 21-23

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