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terça-feira, 17 de novembro de 2015

A different story Prophet Elias

A different story of Elijah

Everyone knows the story the prophet Elijah. Man of God, was chased by Jezebel and her husband, King Ahab. When Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel, Elijah ordered some items: Water, stones to repair the altar and sacrifice.
Well, we all know the result: down fire from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and dry the water that ran down the altar and form a lake around it.
I was thinking, how do we act sometimes these days. And we tell ourselves. I believe God has called me by the Prophet and others as well. I believe we have authority and the grace of God has been manifested in our favor.
And we pray the Lord for His eternal love, answer us. But it is always more requested from us by the people. And this request, often, is not that God has in the Prophet's word or the prophet show that he is the Prophet. The request is for the selfishness and our self, to be cuddled.
- The devil tempted Jesus in various ways and one of them was: Turn these stones into bread. Then kneel down and worship me then jumps this building and shows that you are even Prophet, let me see.
The answer: Not by bread alone doth man live over every word that came out of the mouth of God and also, Go Satan, because only the Lord your God and worship Him only shalt thou give worship! Amen!
Before the Pharisees said to the Lord:
- What sign do you do that we might believe in you? An unbelieving and perverse generation seeketh after a sign and no sign will be given, said the Lord. Only the sign of Jonah. I raise the third day. Glory to God?
Sometimes it seems that we have to prove that we are prophets all the time. And I wonder:
- What would you have done with Elijah?
Elias said that it would not rain and it did not rain. He ran forty days and forty nights, with the force of water and the bread that the angel offered him. Then I challenge the people to believe in God and asked: Padras, water and sacrifice. For what? Poor man of God! Here we change the story so that you understand.
Me bring stones to restore the altar of God! The people respond:
-What? Takes the stones you! You is not no prophet? Prophesies that the stones will come out of the mountain and will show up here, go and prophesy? You are not a man of God?
-Tragam Waterborne?
-What? Asks God that it will open a hole here on this mountain or this rock, and water will flow, will prophesy?
-Tragam A sacrifice! What? Sacrifice? It is false Prophet same! Moses drew water from the rock, Abraham found the sacrifice tangled up in the bushes, but you want it by hand?
Just because they prayed and a miracle happened? A dead rose and some wonders? You do it. We go home.
So are many today. He is Prophet and even our part he will have to do!
Beloved, of the prophet is his, but yours is yours!
Finally, when God will take Elijah in a fiery chariot and takes it to the sky, she thought the angels saying:
Ham ... -For all the angels of God! It is not the Prophet? So let him go up alone in a car fire ... Let's see?
Thanks to the Father is not so with God, but not here, me or you, we would.

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