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segunda-feira, 31 de agosto de 2015

Rapture of the Church of Revelation

Is revelation came to me still in my teens. I believe it was between 14 to 15 years old. It was dawn and that night, had prayed midnight to one o'clock. I remember that at that time began a campaign of prayer and consecration three times a day. He prayed at seven, at noon and after arriving the evening classes, at eleven o'clock at night.

When I came to view, I was lying in my bed, because I finish praying and was entering deep sleep. I found myself walking on a street very large and I was on the sidewalk, it was night, and I could see the stars of heaven. I am walking when I saw a well-known pastor coming toward me, and in his hands was a large Bible. He was a respectable person and when I saw him walked toward him but suddenly descended from heaven a distance and this distance seemed made of gold, and he went toward this man before I got close to him and the lightning turned a snare and involved bible hands of this man and took to the skies.
I knew, at that time, the study of eschatology and preaching we heard in the church, the first thing to be taken from the earth is the word, for he that is understandable to us, the Holy Spirit, will be taken away, then the Bible as book, will be only that, a book, that without the presence of the Holy Spirit to teach us, no one can understand.
At that time, I saw that something else started happening. I saw people of every part of the planet begin to levitate skyward. I saw men and women of all races and colors tribes, rise into the sky and I also started to rise.
When he came up, I began to shout for joy and say:
- I got it, I got it, I went up in the rapture, I'm going to heaven ....

The new Jerusalem

When I climbed via all these people and contemplated the planet and people coming this way. And when I looked I saw, I saw the new Jerusalem coming toward earth. It was gigantic. A city in the clouds. The city seemed to glow with its own light, it seemed made of pure gold. The vaults were of gold, but their walls white as snow.
The closest I can compare it with the old city of Baghdad and near the ancient Jerusalem.
She came to receive caught up and parked, like a ship but, on the planet earth.
I think it is why those who believe in UFOs think are extraterrestrial spaceships with, because it looks the same, not denying it. But are beings from another dimension, the dimension of the Spirit, the size of the glory of God and his holy angels, amen.

Then followed up a personal revelation about my calling and the grace of seeing the new Jerusalem.

I saw the New Jerusalem!
Prophet Roger Oliveira.

Resultado de imagem para cidade celestial fotografado pelo telescópio hubble 1994

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