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quarta-feira, 19 de agosto de 2015

Edward Snowden and the secret of Disclosure: The mistake that NSA never committed.

I have avoided writing about all this discussion about collecting data and what made this young man and others with the data collected in their country and published by him and WikiLeaks site. But seeing the brasiliano system, your attitude here is crime.


NSA is the US, collected data and it is your job equip its agencies and government in order to avoid events like September 11 or attacks such as Boston and Texas.
The difference between them is clear: one collected, municiou but not released haphazardly and God will give data collected from private and public.
The other collected, was responsible for the secrecy but released, for you and the whole world, endangering the lives of civilians and persons in the service of their government. Released without just cause, confidential and proprietary information whose disclosure produced another damage.
When he says he did, for conscience, love the motherland or any other excuse, yet commits another crime, according to the order brasiliano but containing universal principles, such as the secret of secrecy, he committed the crime of arbitrary exercise of own reasons, which is to take matters into their own hands.
Now if I wanted to do justice or question what was being done, looking up legal means and not what he did.
Disclose crimes is one thing, disclose sensitive data, which endanger the nation and its people, it is quite another.
In the US him it is being investigated for: Theft, espionage and government-owned conversion.

In brasiliano Penal Code is thus the crime:

"Unduly penetrate the closed match content, directed to others:
Penalty - 1-6 months or a fine.

§ 1 - The same penalty (II) who improperly discloses, transmits to another person or abusively uses radio-electronic or telegraphic communication addressed to a third party or telephone conversation between other people "

Criminal Code Article 153 and 154

Art. 153 - Disseminate someone without cause, particular document content or confidential correspondence, addressed to it or holder, and whose disclosure could cause harm to others:

§ 1a. Disclose, without cause, confidential or proprietary information, as defined by law, or not contained in the information systems or database Public Administration

Violation of professional secrecy

Art 154 -. Reveal someone without cause, secret, that is science because of function, ministry, trade or profession, and the disclosure of which could produce damage to others

Now, to work in certain areas of government, whether from Brazil or the US, it is always necessary that the person must be adequate and mostly ... Do not be gossip, hó tongue of Satan!

"So also the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity Placed among the members of our body, contaminates the whole person, sets fire the whole course of his life, and is itself set on fire by hell..
All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and sea creatures is tamed and is tamed by the human species;
the tongue, but no one can tame. It is an uncontrollable evil, full of deadly poison. "

James 3: 6-8

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