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domingo, 30 de agosto de 2015

Revealing of the end times: The Revelation will come!

Revealing of the end times: The Revelation will come!Resultado de imagem para Juízo final

In the early 2000s, I had a revelation of the end of days and would like to share there with you.
It was a Saturday morning and sleep normally. Industrial lived in the neighborhood in Contagem, Minas Gerais. When already dawned, I was seized by a sudden fear and visions that left me in suspense for much of the day.
It felt like my body was off the ground and floated. But I did not go out of my room, but around me began to form visions and images that filled the atmosphere of fear and anticipation.
It was daylight, but around me to become night. Because I found myself walking on a street in a neighborhood any and it was like noon. But suddenly, the sky was rolled up like a scroll and showed the stars of heaven, and the day became night. But as fast as the sky was black, a little faster, dark clouds covered the sky and the stars of heaven disappeared.
Stunned and has, I confess, frightened by the sight, I descend from all over the sky, four tornadoes, four swirls down towards the earth, but before he touched the ground on the planet, they stopped in midair, but continued in motion spiral, as if to say, is not over yet, it has just begun!
I knew and felt that something terrible was about to happen. Because I had already had the rapture of the church's vision, where I could contemplate the new Jerusalem, coming down from heaven on the clouds and hovered above the planet earth. So I knew what was coming, it would be terrible, as was so.
The four winds of heaven in the form of tornadoes, were hovering above the ground. But when it seemed that there would be stationed above them opened up. as if doors or gates, and inside them down four objects, such as cylindrical beads and surrounded tornadoes in the sense of descent.
As they descended, as a sign of trumpets played and echoed across the sky. Something happened when they touched the earth ...
And so it was.
When the ball down tornadoes accompanied them and they touched the earth at the same time.
What followed everywhere were screaming Terrorist and fear. I could see men and women running from inside their house and running to wherever they thought would be safe because all the land contemplated that vision. In the darkness he could see the lights of houses and apartments and listen to the cries of distress of men crying out for God's mercy, but apparently it was late, it was now the trial.
When the ball touched the ground and with them the four winds of heaven, I heard a voice:
- Angel Joshua (Jesus in Hebrew), came to the trial.
Whereupon I turned to see the voice person I saw was a light coming in deuma home. Screams of terror come out of her. The woman screamed saying he had done wrong things and not repented, but asked forgiveness. The answer:
- Forgiveness of time has passed. Now it's time trial.

And the light went from one house to another and the cries only increased, the sky blackened and the day of reckoning had come for all the earth.
I saw demons running for cover and could not, hidden spirits working in the destruction of lives, ran but there was nowhere to hide the judge's face and mainly saw men and women running, but there was no place to hide, because the mercy of time had passed.

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