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terça-feira, 18 de agosto de 2015

A new Theological

A new vision
To reach the world for Jesus.
Modern Christian semiosis.

 Rogério Oliveira


In recent times, and times refer to years not far, we have seen a change in the visionary guidance of "Established Church" in Brazil and worldwide.
I remember that when a teenager in the 80s, the church lived the view that Jesus was about to return soon, and this was soon in the morning. We got up wondering if today would be that our Lord and Savior would return in the clouds to take us. And not infrequently heard in the services thrilled testimonies of children and mothers, returning to his home of a cult or a way out of the center, finding his dear family, I thought the rapture happened!
The urgency to reach the world for Jesus was in the air and in the blood of Christ's church on earth. As at the time of the early church, or rather, Original, Jesus was coming and should meet the Ide of the Lord, evangelizing all the earth.
But time passed and Jesus did not return. The church, as in the times of the apostles say (over 1900 years ago!), "In the last days mockers will come, walking after their own lusts, And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation "(2 Pet. 3: 4)..

And the church fell asleep!

The established church was no longer to live the Lord and His Great Commission, but began to live the daily life of his own life and killed missions. Killed the sight of God.
What we see today are people saying to take the kingdom, but not of darkness, but the kingdom of men. We are saying that God's children should not expect Jesus to return more land to snatch his church, but make this world a heaven on earth and for this, take the temporal power, political and administrative of the planet. If not the war.
We need a new theology that really show the way for the body of Christ. A new evangelization vision for the people and mainly show that the church has a mission and it can not be found sleeping as the ten foolish virgins. Listening to the cry and despairing:
-eis The groom!
A midnight call, already approaching. The bridegroom is at hand. The church must wake up and get up to carry out the Lord's desire:
-IDE Throughout the world and preach the gospel to every creature!
-And These signs accompany those who believe: in my name cast out demons, will step up serpents and if they drink any deadly thing, it will not hurt you and they shall lay hands on the sick they shall recover!

Pastor. Prophet
Rogério Oliveira

Ch. 1
Christian relationship.

Christian relationship is a subjective link between two parties and the object which they relate.
The parties are what carries the message, the messenger, and receiving the message, the receiver. The object is that it conveys this message, the gospel.
Today, according to the modern communication theories, these agents are no longer passive, but active too, for not only transmit or receive the message, but to decode and return to your recipient, become sender and receiver at the same time.
When you talk to someone today of Jesus Christ, it's not like he was before: speak, he accepted and change your life!
Do Not! Today when you communicate the gospel is:
-Falo He disagrees, returns, I rebato, it accepts one point, returns with a question and answer until your questions to satisfaction. Then he accepts Jesus, what is wrong, for Jesus is not accepted but recognized as God and Lord.
The gospel is no longer linear, but circular, a constant movement update and change. What the established church does not accept and rebels and much of the time pursues anyone who tries to open his eyes.
What has happened is that the established church, not all, but many, have shown a gospel other than the gospel of the Bible. Changed its object. He changed his view. He changed his heart place.
Today is nailed opinions, views, rules and forms and not Jesus Christ and him crucified. In the Holy Spirit.
The object is Jesus! It is he who must be brought to men.

Ch. 2
The Christian situation.

The Christian situation is the bond of all that relates to the parties and the object which they seek to understand.
The parties are: enunciatee enunciador- and enunciatee-enunciator: messenger and recipient, and the subject: Jesus. Or should be.
The difference, but not contradictory, between the relationship and the Christian situation is that in the relationship, only the two parts relate to the object. In the Christian situation, everything is related to the object: The parties, culture, education, economic situation of the moment, the social situation of the moment and of the place and so on.
  And so it has been for many years. Each focusing on Jesus carry a dress of economic or ideological positions and sometimes a Jesus totally stripped of everything, where you actually could put him anything: ideological color, economic thinking and many other views related to himself and not to him.
I want to present a new vision for this twenty-first century ...

Ch. 3
Christian semiosis

Semiosis is the future of interpretation of the senses.
Semiosis, according Teacher Julio Pinto, it's become! Because the senses are always changing, always updating, are always moving.
My goal is not to make this study an intelligible ode, but makes it simple is palpable to everyone. So I do not want and not aprofundarei me in meanings, but senses.
Much of what has been preached is not pure object itself, Jesus, but the meanings it has for certain social groups, institutionalized churches and their messengers.
Jesus, the object produces senses, which interpreted generate senses that generate meanings and are then taken as objects. Simple? Nothing.
See these examples:
When we took the gospel nations in the 18th and 19th centuries, he moved so. Many missionaries arrived in distant countries and continents and as diverse as India, Africa and Oceania, with a gospel that not Jesus but a westernized gospel. Culture dress and habits of their country and when presented to the people of these nations have been rejected by them.
In China the missionaries were considered Western demons for not respecting the culture and the Chinese habits.
In India, the Indian intellectuals, considered the invaders and often without arguments Comments should only preach the lower castes, which they did successfully for the glory of God, do not offer intellectual resistance to them.
Understand that when they took the gospel, I took Jesus, but took his vision of Jesus, his church's vision, his vision of the kingdom!
And there's the fact that many missionaries thought this:
You're a godless. I am a missionary. You listen to me and obey me and your life changes!
The answer:
-I Have a god. You're a nosy intruder. I'm going to kill and send their pieces as a warning to his country.
So many perished. I'm not saying that all were well, quite the contrary. But the way could have helped the Lord's servants in this journey and many works that later died, after years of hard work, they could have continued to this day.

 Ch. 4
Situational Christian relationship

Situational Christian relationship is to the world today that we, they and Jesus, we are evolvidos not only a strict relationship between I-Thou and I-thou, but I-you-your-world-and his world-I-thou.
Meaning that when we take Jesus to the world, will take no packaging, but we will take Jesus and His grace, we will take no ideologies, but Jesus and his love will take no economy, but Jesus and His forgiveness, not'll take political system, but simply Jesus.
Understanding that Jesus died for us sinners and that forgiveness is missing. Understanding that he commanded us to take the gospel to every creature and we are in failure. Understanding that we must preach Jesus and not concepts of our theologies.
Gordon in China, Hudson also there, Stanley India, St. Patrick in Ireland and Columba in Britain. All these men understood this and were persecuted for their churches at the time, it is we who will not?



Take the Gospel, take Jesus. Let God be God in people's lives, let people choose their way. If they want to go to this or that church, so be it, but it is his will that must be respected.
Enough to say that we believe in God, but he will not come back. That the world is to be conquered. My kingdom is not of this world, here I am not Jesus said. And Enough also say that we have no responsibility to the Great Commission, but we must live in the here and now.
Do not believe it!
Jesus is our message to men, women, gays and lgbt's of this world. Show them Jesus and His glory, letting them make the decision on your way.


Pastor. Prophet
Rogério Oliveira.

Note: When I say we take to Jesus and not custom or something other than the pure gospel, I am not advocating that the fruits of this work will be left to God, but when we take Jesus and win souls, let these souls and their cultures shaping the form and format of their churches without outside interference, but with the face of his nation and his people. Now obvious that those who planted will have the blessing of the fruits, it was the church fulana such, the national church is called, I believe, by name. EX: Church of Jesus of Brazil, even though I have been founded by North Americans or Europeans.
An example:
The many years, a group of missionaries preached to some Brazilian Indians. They preached Jesus and nothing else, have left the basics of salvation and the Bible to the people and withdrew.
Some time later, they returned and what they saw was this:
There was a worship once a week, all sat in the hollow, the house of prayer, each gave a testimony, prayed, sang their hymns and in the end, the tribal chief, the pastor, gave the final blessing. Nothing like what a missionary would do or if he had taken shape and the way the church that sent him would. This is to take Jesus and let the Holy Spirit is God, He will teach you all truth!
For more insight, read: For this cross will kill you and understand the time of cultures and nations.

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