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quinta-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2016

Devotional for presidents, kings, princes and leaders. 1

Devotional for presidents, kings, princes and leaders.

"And his sons went to the house of each other and feasted every man for his day; and sent and called for their three sisters to eat and drink with them.
Happened, then, that, after the turn of days of their banquets, Job sent and sanctified them, and rose early, and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all; for Job said, Hath my sons have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts. Thus did Job continually. "
Job 1: 4.5

Job cared about his integrity and the integrity of his family.
See it anticipated in sanctifies them and did so they would not suffer the wrath of God.
I, on purpose, waited parties go to write this devotional for you. I do not know if you know, but it's not the defeats we need to beware. It is the sadness of defeats us down, but the joy of victory that is the danger for those who have power!
The joy we think we can all, in joy, often, we forget who gave us the victory, the joy we relaxed and we lower our guard ...
Beloved friend and brother, take time alone with God and sanctify you and your family. Talk to God and ask him forgiveness of secret sins and the sins of ignorance those who do not know that we have committed.
The Apostle Paul said that her husband is sanctified by the wife and the wife is sanctified by the husband, so the whole family is sanctified by the actions of their parents.
May the Lord bless you!

Rogério Oliveira prophet

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