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quinta-feira, 31 de março de 2016

Make God say's you.

Proverbs 27:12
The prudent sees danger and hides himself; but the simple pass on and are punished.
Prudence is the power of discernment. It is the discretion or practical wisdom to detect problems or dangers in any matter and avoid it, carefully changing actions to find the most effective way. Obviously, wise men move more slowly than the gullible fools, because they know that the rush or hasty decisions are risky (Proverbs 19: 2; 21: 5; 25: 8; IITM 3: 4). This wise rule of life is so important that Solomon repeated to you (Proverbs 22: 3).

At the seminar I attended, Bethania, the teacher a day talking about this verse also advised us that the simple, here in this text is the "dumb" he said. Because? Here donkey is not stupid, he knows nothing or animal, but is one who gives credit to all without considering the order and the consequences of their actions or others.
This word, to me, is the way we view things. How often do we discern the times and make nonsense? Someone says something and we react without waiting to examine whether it is indeed true what was said or was with us what was said?
Someone asks you to take a package across the street because it is busy and you will not discern that something may be wrong and therefore, the other is not involved? This is simplicity, simplicity bad.
Caution is required nowadays. Peace.

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