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segunda-feira, 13 de outubro de 2014

The Bible and the right of children

Matthew 19 
13th. "So, they brought unto him little children, that would impose their hands and pray for them The disciples, however, rebuked them 14 But Jesus commanded them." Let the children come to me, do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to those who become like them ".15 And, having laid his hands on them, and departed thence." 

In another translation says: "Suffer the little children to come unto me, for of such is the kingdom of heaven!" 
In a world today where children have suffered abuse and violence that shocked and outraged those who love God and justice, we have to look inside the word of the Bible and put in a couple of these small, fragile, naive, beings need the protection of God and men, namely the protection of the law. 
On November 20, 1959 was proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Children's Rights. Statement containing guiding principles of treatment the child and adolescent, which contains these principles: 

"Children's rights are the following: 

All children have the right to life. 
All children should be protected from domestic violence. 
All children are equal and have the same rights, no matter their color, race, sex, religion, social origin or nationality. 
All children must be protected by family and society. 
All children have the right to a nationality. 
All children have the right nutrition and medical care, before and after birth. This right also applies to his mother. 
Children with special physical or mental difficulties are entitled to special care and education. 
All children have the right to love and understanding from parents and society. 
All children are entitled to education. 
All children have the right to not be raped or be verbally abused by parents, grandparents, relatives, or even society. 
All children have the right to play and sleep properly. "

But what does the Bible have to say about the right of children and adolescents? 
Well, first, the text quoted above gives us the first step on what God says about the matter: Suffer me, for of such is the kingdom of heaven! 

The children have the same right as the other actors have. Actors here are the men and women, adults who make up the society and live in it. To adults and given the right to choose to enter the heavens, because they have the knowledge and maturity to choose your path: heaven or hell. Children are given guaranteed entry into God's presence because being innocent of choice and evil, do not choose, are blessed with security and certainty of care on the part of God. 
This shows us that the Bible deals with the singular PROTECTION and not with contempt for being children. 
It seems for you? But know that children in other times were used by parents or relatives as a means of earning money or used for pleasures that today give disgust to any normal human being. 
In most populous cities of the Roman empire, it was common to find the city streets defective children begging to survive, what many do not know is that his faults were often caused by family members themselves: crooked arms. lame, halt and blind. 
In summary: the child was null, did not exist as one. 
But Jesus, the Bible begin to change this. Heaven is theirs! Jesus blesses. Jesus recognizes the human and perfect ones. 

Although its history is toward envy., Joseph of Egypt, son of Jacob, was educated and had provided him with knowledge that the house be an administrator of the chief guard of Pharaoh. 
Moses also received instruction as a child. 
Samuel the prophet was led to Eli and became a priest of the Lord. 
Rachel received family education and profession had, was pastor of sheep. 
Deborah was a prophet, and not web been if he had not been educated in the scriptures that was the school of the time. 
Daniel the Prophet was instructed and wise for this was brought to the king. 
All their children 
will be taught by the Lord, 
and great shall be the peace of your children. 
Isaiah 54:13 

The multiplication of the loaves were men, women and children there. Jesus pities them and feeds them. And in the second multiplication of the loaves, a child took five loaves and two fish that were used to feed the crowd. 
Those who ate were about five thousand men, besides women and children. 
Matthew 14:21 

Jacob worries about the safety of the family: 
When Jacob looked up and saw that Esau was coming with four hundred men, divided the children among Leah, Rachel and the two maidservants. 
Genesis 33: 1 

Observe and not disqualify children by stereotypes: 
The example is that of King David. Looking at him was not the greatest, was not the most beautiful, was not dressed appropriately, not perhaps had the right color or the right hair, but it was chosen because God looked your heart and not your appearance, your job or their way of being. 
White, black, yellow or country of origin does not define who we are, what defines who we are is our ability to learn, see and be people who will make a difference in this world. 
Do not despise the little ones: 

"The year was 1762 A boy had just turned five years. That morning, he won his first violin.'s Friends boy's father gathered to play the violin. The boy wanted to join them." No, son "said his father. "you can not touch us even have some lessons." in tears, the child left. But his father called him back. One of his friends, Mr. Schachtner, insisted that his father left the boy play. "Okay," said the father, "but touch softly to anyone listening to you." After a few minutes, everyone stopped playing, unless the boy. Surprised, everyone listened in silence. How that boy could play a so beautiful music without study or experience? 

Mr. Mozart was very surprised with the musicianship of the young Wolfgang. Must be careful to prejudge the youth and inexperience. "

"Take heed that ye despise one of these little ones; for I say unto you that their angels in heaven continually behold the face of my heavenly Father "(Matthew 18:10). 

Jesus gave children rights and we must follow it! 

Prophet Rogério Oliveira

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