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segunda-feira, 8 de setembro de 2014

It is possible to be a spy and be a Christian? Revised

Is it possible to be a spy and a spy or secret agent analysis?
Well, my approach is biblical and I believe that challenging the professional branches and those wishing to enter the profession.
First there are ethical and moral issues. Have approached in my book Bible Legal and believe that I can give my contribution.

If for a greater good, how to save a life or yours is valid. Can not lie to his wife is not a man of God. KKK.

 If it is to save your life or that of third parties. setting your self defense or third parties. Yes, it is justifiable. But understand, the very image of the security agencies in the world: CIA, ABIN, MOSSAD and MI6 among others is the fact that they relate senseless deaths. And Hollywood does not help much in this.
In my view, and my view is, friends do not kill, do not kill assets that can be a gain for the nation, but is preserved and mostly, do not leave injured friends behind. Being obviously possible to do so.
Obey orders that are fair, consistent and logics. The agent in the field should have the ability not only to meet but to analyze the facts. Being prudent action, and need action and being more relevant: what will be the biggest gain now? If doing so will benefit my country or it will affect? Your decision should be based on the greater good and the wisdom of God. (Word knowledge).

Transmit information: If to save lives or hold, locate and wipe out evil, yes, you should do it. Recalling that the leakage of information people should be considered a crime of invasion of privacy and when less, pure and simple gossip.

Biblical basis for being a spy: 
1 "Then Joshua son of Nun secretly sent two spies from Shittim and said," Go look at the land, especially Jericho "They went and entered the house of a prostitute named Rahab, and spent the night there.." 
Joshua 2: 1 

01. the LORD said to Moses: 
02. Send men to spy out the land of Canaan, which I give unto the children of Israel. Of every tribe of their fathers shall ye send a man, every one a ruler among them. "
Numbers 13. 
It was God himself who ordered that the land be peek. Was an instrument of security for nations to prevent attacks and take areas dominated by evil.
So it is certain that those who are at work as an intelligence analyst (espionage), should and can be Christians. Because even count on the Lord's protection and not only with technology or their own strength, which we know can fail.

God bless you! CIA, MI6, MI 5, FBI, ABIN, FEDERAL, P2, MILITARY POLICE, INTERPOL, MOSSAD and others who try to stop the advance of evil on this planet that seems crazy and without direction. Peace.

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