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terça-feira, 30 de setembro de 2014

Civil Rights: The Role of Women in the Church today! UPDATE!


The role of wife to husband: 

"Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the church, and to even up for her" Ephesians 5:25 

The relationship that the Bible makes the husband and wife is noteworthy. The emphasis lies on duty of the husband to love his wife as Jesus loved His bride, the church. while other religions emphasize that the emphasis is on the obedience of women, the bible says that the emphasis is on love and respect for it. It also says in Ephesians 5:28: 

  "Likewise, husbands ought to love each of their wives as their own bodies. Whoever loves his wife, loves himself." 

Okay. E submission of women to men? As gets? 
Is thus! Paul wrote: 

"Wives, submit yourself each of your husbands as to the Lord" Ephesians 5:22 

So blessed, the "subjection" of woman is to her husband and not all men !!!! 
Men who want to send women to be men, err and err much! Women are equal before God and society. And I end with what today means this subject: 

"So each one of you also must love his wife as yourself, And women treat their husbands with all due respect Eph 5:28 

This subject is nothing more than mutual respect. Respect for one another. Cede the small and big things. Give the other the right to decide. "I'll talk to my husband about this ..." We already know the answer: 
There is love ... you decide !! "
Love his wife even as if you and she respects him. If so made ​​man and woman relationship is more quiet. 

The a quote from Paul who says: 

Greet Andronicus and Junia, my relatives who were in prison with me. They are outstanding among the apostles, and they were in Christ before me. 
Romans 16: 7 
Junias is Junia, a woman, and is counted among the apostles! 

The question is: If the Holy Spirit has chosen, blessed and anointed women, because we did not open the doors of leadership for them in the church today? 
And not only this. We must treat them in society as God is in the church: Giving them authority to lead, manage and share equal to men. My brother They're  able.

The animal rights, the rights of minorities, including all minorities, the right of women are still bringing calouradas discussions worldwide. What is really bad. For today, in 2014, we should already be in declaring equality of access and equal right to all members of society position.
I see a lot of discussion between groups for and against, to me is just nonsense. Nonsense because it does not end global terrorism that threatens to plunge the planet in the 4th world war, motivated by the bankrupt some radicalism, does not solve the problem of the environment, which now threatens us with the lack of drinking water on the planet, which can also and launch us into a war for possession of the planetary water.
Discuss by facts that are already reality is a waste of time. We must work to understand each other, understand their direct and respecting each of the differences that arise.
Recently stated that the right of gay marriage is right and each individual makes of his life as it pleases. Also stated that the persecution the Christian minorities in the world must cease and stop. I believe this is the point. If I respect, I expect to be respected, if I pursue then how must I call for my rights?
But in this the question arises, and women's rights? What is your role in the current "church"?
's Blog and will be succinct.
In ancient times the woman was treated as an object. Without rights or duties. Was seen as a breeder and at most, the one who ran the household.
Many put the blame for this in the Bible, which is big mistake. When the Bible began to be written, the woman, how she was treated, could be killed by her husband because she was his possession, his property. Could be raped in the field because I was alone and did not have a "man" at his side, then it should be raped because a woman who cherishes himself would not leave his tent without the company of a "man". Looks thing today in some countries.
In short, it was not anyone!
But the bible came and guarantees rights:
-not could be kicked out of his house for no reason.
-No Could be humiliated.
-had Right to trial.
-Could Refuse marriage.
It may seem little, but see what right start to become part of the woman and not the other.
Many women appear in the Bible in leadership positions:
-Joquebede: EX mother of Moses 6: 20
-Miriãn: Sister of Moses and daughter Jochebed. Considered a leader of the people out of Egypt. Micah 6: 4
-Débora. Judge over Israel. Judges 5
- The Prophetess Hulda.
In the New Testament:
The many women who present, but the best case I have is this:

Therefore, my brothers, whom I love and whom I miss, you who are my joy and my crown, stand firm in the Lord, dear friends! 
What I beseech Euodia and Syntyche is also living in harmony in the Lord. 
Philippians 4: 1-2 

Now Paul begs two women who agree, that the church does not suffer. They had such an ascendancy over the church that his disagreement endangered the cause of the Lord.
Were church leaders.

I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a servant of the church in Cenchrean. I ask you to receive the Lord in a manner worthy of the saints, and you provide the help you will need; it has been a great help to many people, including me (Romans 16: 1-2., 

Paul extends to a woman, you see, the treatment given to the apostles! A man who prayed, thank God for not making me neither slave nor Gentile nor woman! Now extends the right hand of fellowship women!
It is God's.

A woman can and should be in a leadership position in the church: Pastor, bishop and Apostolas. How are already Prophets and missionary.
God is faithful!
Prophet Rogério Oliveira

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