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quarta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2015

The true and good immigrant: 100% Immigrant Guide

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"Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, unto all that are carried away captives, whom I have caused to be carried away from Jerusalem unto Babylon;
Build ye houses, and dwell {in them}; and plant gardens, and eat the fruit of them;
Take ye wives, and beget sons and daughters; and take wives for your sons, and give your daughters to husbands, that they may bear sons and daughters; that ye may be increased there, and not diminished.
And seek the peace of the city whither I have caused you to be carried away captives, and pray unto the LORD for it: for in the peace thereof shall ye have peace."

Jeremiah 29: 4-7

Many may think that the Bible says nothing about immigration: that is the entry of an alien in another nation. but she says, and still teaches a manual of manners for this citizen out of his country, will pursue happiness in another nation.

I one day have immigrated to Europe and went with the intention of staying there, even if it has not happened as expected, did imbued with these principles.

Who wants to be a true immigrant must leave the country willing to get dressed and put on another nation's culture.
What we see today are people who are not true migrants, but they are people, such as were the settlers. They go out of their country. not willing to cooperate, to plant and to make the land that welcomes them to become better and more prosperous. But as the former colonizers, and they often even criticized, will only "make money", enrich and start what can that nation and then return to their country bringing the spoils that failed leaving behind all a bad impression and negative image it creates of his country and its people.
The real immigrant must go in order to thrive and prosper where he is.
The text says; Build houses and plant gardens and eat their fruit. This means; Work, prosper, plant and harvest, enjoy your work there, eat the fruit, where you are planted. Many, plant, harvest and keep to eat away from the land that blessed them, but when they arrive at their destination because the journey is long, the fruit already almost rotten or rotten, much of its nutrients lost value, he did not understand beginning to thrive on the ground that he is as an immigrant.
If you are single (a) and want to marry a person of the place, do it. If you are married (a) and have children, let them marry people of this nation, because that's what God commanded, as the mix of nations and races is to break prejudices. But look:
If you are an immigrant, culture can not prevail in the land where you are. Now if you are in someone's home, the house and must respect their customs and not to impose their culture to them. This has caused fights and sadness in families.
A young man coming out of a macho culture and go to a country where feminism is strong, such as the US. If he tries to impose their culture inside your home to a girl accustomed to their rights and to speak and do what in your country would be considered disrespectful, this can only end in tragedy. Learn to loca culture and respect.
"And seek the peace of the city whither I have caused you to be carried captive, and pray to the Lord; for in the peace thereof shall ye have peace."
Work for the good of the city where you are living. It is utter nonsense immigrants make riot and crash in the country of trying life. Because they seek peace, there will be peace, but if they seek war, only God can know the future this will bring.
-Look For loving culture where I am.
-Look Respect the culture and the way to where I am.
-Respect The laws of the country and nation where I live.
-prosperar bring prosperity to the nation where I am.
If there are problems, such as exploration, we know that there is, the law must be the way, no clutter.

Do so and you will be happy. And when you return to your homeland you may take fruit that is not corrupted over time. But fruits of joy and prosperity.

Prophet Rogério Oliveira.

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