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quarta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2015

The trial of Jesus: Forged Evidence

The trial of Jesus: Forged Evidence

When judged Jesus in the council, they brought men who lied, manipulated and forged evidence against the Lord.

"The chief priests and all the council sought for false testimony against Jesus to put him to death;
and they found, regardless of whether they have presented many false witnesses. But then came two, saying:
He said: I can destroy the temple of God and rebuild it in three days.
Rising the high priest asked, nothing? which is what these witness against thee?
But Jesus kept silent. The high priest said to him, I conjure thee by the living God: Tell us if you are the Christ, the Son of God.
Jesus answered: Thou hast said; yet I declare that you will see later the Son of Man seated at the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven.
Then the high priest tore his clothes, saying, He has blasphemed: now ye have heard the blasphemy;
what think ye? And they said, He is guilty of death.
Then did they spit in his face and gave her fists, and some slapped him,
saying, Prophesy unto us, thou Christ, Who is he that gave thee "?
Matthew 26: 57-68

When him have nothing against us, rest assured, Satan and his allies on earth can try to forge evidence against you and your ministry. Your life and your family.
Will Say you assaulted women, committed a crime, call you a thief and spread it through your neighborhood. People say that you saw, noted the board and everything, just to accuse you ...
But if you have work my brother, God will be your advocate.

God will destroy all your enemies, destroy families of thine enemies, destroy all who rise up against you and your ministry.

The gossips will always be gossip. The bums will always be bums, false will always be false.

We saw what they did to Jesus ???
We saw what happened to the city of Jerusalem ???
Years later, Rome invaded, destroyed and killed more than 100,000 in the city!
As Jesus said:
"There will be stone unturned."
Glory to God!!!

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