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sexta-feira, 6 de maio de 2016

The world in stress. Cain's syndrome.

"And Lamech said to his wives Adah and Zillah, Hear my voice; ye wives of Lamech, hearken to my words, for I killed a man for wounding me, and a young man for me to tread."

Genesis cap. 4.

I continue to speak of the present day where anything is reason to disgrace someone's life. Today the world is "pillaged" is walking on eggshells and often these are broken. People are being humiliated at work and when they do not support, we see in the newspapers the tragedies. Young people suffer bullying in schools and see the results in newspapers and TV. Men and women do not support husbands and wives tyrants and see the result on the day.
As I said, the traffic, only God to help us, also makes us see these situations.
But this has already happened in the past and this in the word. Lamech, a descendant of Cain the first murderer says he killed for trivial reasons, stomp and an injury, the latter do not know the circumstances, but it shows that the measure was in excess.
I believe that the only remedy for this is the Holy Spirit of God, for a heart full of God and his Spirit, can prevent you to use force where it takes patience.
Forgiveness here is something personal, something that makes us let go all the rage of the moment and do not take the path of anger. For Proverbs says: That man that soon will, will folly. Yes, I know.
Forgiving is not silly, is knowing that forgiveness frees you, forgiveness is good for you, forgiveness brings peace to you.
The one country in the world to break into their social fabric is so great that only the power of forgiveness by the blood of Jesus will heal this wound. But many want the wounds continue bleeding and draining the strength of its people.
Or wounds close, or they kill the patient!
The prophet Hosea preached life, Jesus preached with life, Stephen preached with life, if you are part of these preach with your life too.
As Jeremiah also say: Lord, I want to bring to memory what gives me hope ...!
We are trying_..._

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