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terça-feira, 30 de junho de 2015

A cow flying! Why I do certain things.

They say that Thomas Aquinas was in his room at the convent of St. Jaques, bent on obscure medieval manuscripts, when suddenly, a brother enters the room and says:

- Come see, brother Thomas, come see a cow flying!

Quietly, the great Doctor of the Church rises from the bench, left the room and came to the court of the monastery, he began to look at the sky, putting his hands on the weary eyes of the study. Seeing him so, jovial friar laughed hard.

- Oh, brother Thomas, then you are so gullible as to ye believe that a cow could fly?

- Why not, my friend? He became the saint.

And with the same simplicity and rare wisdom he said,

- I prefer to believe that a cow is flying than to believe that a religious is lying

Some people wonder why some of my attitudes or perhaps a servant of God being "strange" or difficult to understand. Well this is the answer:

- I prefer to believe that a cow is flying, than to believe that someone close to me and my confidence would be able to act in a manner that would undermine my dreams and God's plans for my life.

- I prefer to believe that a cow is flying, than to believe that someone or more than one person, can harm me, after receiving so many blessings from God.

- I prefer to believe that a cow is flying, that people I have never seen harm someone just for the simple pleasure of harming

- I prefer to believe that a cow is flying, than to believe that someone who knows to do good or receives an asset, just do not do it, to take advantage of what is of others.

Yes, I believe that cows fly!

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