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segunda-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2014

Practical Theology: A new way of seeing the world. Book free.

"This book is an atomic bomb on the falsity of many church today.
The author says that one need not be a Christian to enter heaven. That respect for gays and minorities should be the attitude of the church, that we should abandon the use of the Old Testament in evangelization. The hatred of immigrants is demonic.
Finally, a new way of thinking about church.
Read & share.

In English and Portuguese."

Practical Theology:

A new way of seeing the world.

Bringing light and hope
weary world of persecution, lies, betrayals,
  humiliation and death on behalf of the radicalism of a dead faith
and without the love of Jesus.

Pastor, prophet
Rogério Oliveira


The wars, racism and violence immorality fill the earth and the church also. Is coming the time for God to judge his church. The trial started from within and not from without. You'll see those who persecute, lie and manipulate the truth in your favor, fall to the ground. We will see a different birth time, but it is the end time, time to reap souls for the kingdom of God.
Scandals and lies. Pastors involved misuse of public funds. Churches being used as laundry laundry, Christians ordering killings of enemies and all this in the press. God will judge his house, can wait.

Chapter 1:
Defining Theology:

Theology is the study of the divine, the study of divine things the study of God (Theo) in Greek. Logia or logos is: word or knowledge, then study of God or divinity.
But the approach tied to thoughts of traditions will not happen here. What I hope, and try to present, is a practice of God theology. A theology that bring the man back to God and his message:
  "For God so loved the world so much that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life" John 3:16.
Do not disdain the theologies presented before, ever, but do not recognize them great help to the man who seeks a practical solution to your life. The closest to it is the theology of Charles Finney, the burning coal is brings the practice of life in Christ Jesus and closer to men than others.
Address the nature of angels or God, orthodoxies and other things that do not bring anything practical boring me and makes me sono.Vive them is better.
The world is in chaos. The world needs peace and love. Those who should bring the love of God only think about money and power, forgetting the purpose of faith in Jesus: to bring many souls to heaven and show that God is love!
So I like to walk ways, but certainly for different purposes.
Jesus and His glory!

Chapter 2:
Preaching the word to your life.

"Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature ..." Luke 16:15.
Preach the word in many Christian circles today said, looks more like a form of accusation, pointing fingers towards the sin of the people, than actually take the gospel to those in need lives. The evangelical radicalism comes quite unbelievable. Persecution of specific groups such as gays, Latinos and blacks seems to be the current Tonica a "church" radical and without the love of God.
Men and women talking about the love of God in the pulpit, on the streets, on the internet, on facebook, on twitter, saying, Jesus loves you! Jesus cares about you, but when placed face to face with something or someone they disagree, are to be demons of destruction and death. Carry in one hand and a Bible in the other a club to smash the head of those who are not like them, do not think the same way or have a different sexual orientation or a different color.
I came across a person on the internet, and will talk, talk comes, until a more open dialogue, said that my position would be for him more liberal, and he did not feel offended by what I would write.
His question, when not atinei me was:
-You Are European or South American?
When I said I was South American, he changed his stance. Started to call them thieves all Latinos, called murderers and said that we are not correct in the Bible. He was a Christian said, defender of moral values it. Soon after the singing saw a girl on the internet.
These are they who are pointing fingers for blacks, whites and gays, but his heart is full of hatred and grudge against them.
While pointing a finger at the other four are pointing to themselves! With the excuse that they have to show them their sins, forget that Jesus has said, Throw the first stone, the one without sin.

Want to preach Jesus? Live as he lived! I'm not telling you to dress like two thousand years ago, or go back to using chariots, I'm telling you to do what Jesus did and not those who misrepresented the gospel later.
Many today preach a separation from the world, like the world that the Bible says, was the physical world. Take people to their family life, their friends and destroy what little civility they have. Make it, not a disciple of Jesus Christ, but a lead soldier of your church, your name or even from themselves.
There are people who are able to kill in the name of your church or religion, but are not able to mourn the suffering of others. People who are able to play other in prison, slander, defame, ordering the killing, but are unable to tell people that are around you, Jesus loves you and wants to save you!
I knew a man, a long time ago, who walked with the great evangelical names of one country in another galaxy. And intrigued me because this man and many others, had "accepted" Jesus as your personal savior?
  One day, a square, I asked him if some of those men, ever, had told him about Jesus, and he said no. Then I pointed to him and said:
-for Now I'm talking to you: Jesus loves you. Jesus wants you near him, just let him come into your life! His eyes filled with tear and he said:
- No one ever told me that! Never.
We exchanged the gospel interests. Give your life to preach the word and you will see how many lives will come at the feet of Jesus.

Chapter 3:
Examples of practical theology:
Preaching with your life.

  But we can even preach with our lives and examples without confronting people with their sins? Absolutely!
I will talk about my personal example and other men of God, to show that not only charges the man can reach this world for Jesus.
I myself have applied what I think. I'm not talking and not doing. If I said it because I did. If I live what I preach have the moral authority to show the way forward.
In my meetings and churches where I got used to not do something that many believers and pastors find crucial: Make appeal at the end of the service. The appeal for me was always something foreign to the gospel despite being generally in evangelical churches. I never had the habit.
This does not make my churches there were no converts. In particular, in your home or on the street. In an informal conversation, very said they made a decision to follow Jesus and that was enough. Decided and ready. His heart, convicted by the Holy Spirit, showed him the way.
This habit of making calls came from Finney, one of the best evangelists of all time for me, and was not only raise their hands and go home, not. Finney was with them after the service for two hours teaching the word and consolidating their faith. This gave results. But today is trivialized and became meaningless. Raise your hands does not mean anything, except robbery!
Bring them to their services. Corvids, welcome, make them feel part of the family and then let them decide. Decided, make them part of their family, the family of God.
Recently, I conducted months of prayer in a hospital in the city of Belo Horizonte-Minas Gerais Brazil. A hospital serving military officers of this state. Many miracles God performed there. Cures tumors. Coma patients that came to life. People who have suffered strokes, God raised up. People who had no lungs, God gave new lung. A man, 75
with evil Alzaimer, God curou.Corações were cured. And many, many other miracles Jesus did in that location for eight months, the number of resurrection.
During this period, many fruits born there, but you know how many calls I made at that location? In Maximo Two: An alcoholic and suicidal. This after prayer and an open rebuke, said: Thank you Jesus! Thank you Jesus! Hallelujah!
But for all that, not to appeal, or perhaps for this reason, I did bore fruit among the people. People were tired of self-interested pastors, pastors who really would like to have in your church, soldiers, colonels, corporals and sergeants to can not say they had souls, but they had power.
But people are not stupid. They feel when someone wants to use them and take advantage of their position, their social or religious position.
I remember a pastor of a large church, which in their Sunday services always said doctor so and so, so-colonel of that ... and I was saying the name and the positions of these people. The embarrassment of people ivy clear, but the pastor did not notice. Did not notice that the world has changed, people are not the same, and that many felt humiliated by his words. Result: loss of many members.
Another was Hudson Tylor in China. Hudson adopted the culture, their costumes and modes, its time to talk and act to bring the gospel to the Chinese. Physically looked like a Chinese, white and blue eye, but Chinese. Reached thousands to God.
But most importantly ... His preaching was not ivy point sins, but to talk about Jesus and his love for the sinner. If current churches learn this ...

Chapter 4:
No need to change religion
to accept Jesus in your life.
Introducing Jesus in other cultures.

A controversial point that I will introduce here is what I shall argue in this chapter. Left to this, because, in general, the more false more crikis are not read. Soon drop out of reading and speak evil without arguments.
What we have seen much of gospel preaching work in his country and abroad, in missionary work, is the insistence of change in maternal or paternal religion to religion, or more correctly, the church of what is taking that message .
My point is a return to primeval evangelistic work, the original church, which led not a church, not least because it did not exist, but it took a message: God sent his Son into the world to save sinners, and his name is Jesus Nazareth! How they did it: through signs and wonders Jesus and the Holy Spirit is confirmed word.
The success of the church, here the church is the body of Christ and not a denomination or human institution was that according to Ruth Tucker, teacher and lecturer, has a doctorate in history from Northern Illinois University, the Gentiles had no need to become Jews as required the rabbis who carried the Torah to the Jewish synagogues, the barbarians, who would attend the synagogue, should become Jews through circumcision and observance of Jewish rituals.
But came the gospel saying that now everyone could be worshipers of God and would not need to become Jews for this because the gospel would be within them, in their hearts, "freedom of heart," as the author calls, and not on clothes or rituals. Result: absolute critical success and audience!
Tucker. Ruth A., To the ends of the earth. Ed. Christian World. 1983.EUA.
Evangelization was given by the example of love that was in these people and not their criticisms, their hair or clothes, but in love demonstrated by the Gentiles.
A Muslim does not need to stop being Muslim to have Jesus in your life! No need to leave the culture and the living of their parents, to have Jesus in your life! No!
A Hindu does not need it, do not need a Catholic, a Protestant do not need! Just know, intimately and accept it in your heart and this man will be saved.
Those who want to bring Jesus to other cultures, peoples and nations, should do so with a personal testimony, with formal employment and into gaps where the people need. I do not criticize full-time missionaries, no! But the advantages of being able to provide help a people and witness with your life, are undeniable.
  And if a person becomes Muslim to take the gospel? God will be with him. Does anyone remember the missionaries who have become slaves to take the gospel to people closed? The principle is the same.
I admit that at this point, I can not. But the men and women who are.
It is like saying that an Indian should stop being Indian, to enter heaven, which is not true. No need to leave their culture and not its people, but introduce new cultural element, which had grown and become part of this culture.
An example of this was a missionary, who called to preach in a tribe in Brazil that had not received Christian preaching. Reached a wilderness site and desert in Rondonia, a state in Brazil. When the bus stopped at that deserted road and left her alone with her bags, she thought:
'What am I doing here, my God!
And when she prayed and asked God what to do ... from the woods came three Indians. The Indians came crying, praying and speaking in tongues.
The missionary was frightened and asked who they were, and they said:
-In Are from the tribes. And He told us you were coming!
-He? He who? She asked. What happened to you?
They began to tell one of the most glorious stories of God's love for man:
-We Are this tribe, I do not remember the name, and one day the three of us were talking about who would have created all this, who would be so powerful to make this world and if it existed, did not care about us?
When we spoke in so we came to the idea that if it existed, could also hear us, and if he heard would believe in it. And we speak:
-Creator, if you exist, proves to us!
And then something came down from heaven, seemed to fire, looked like it was water, and filled the heart and soul of the people. We could not stand. We rocked and fall. Rise and fall. We laughed and could not stop laughing. When decreased, we heard a voice speaking to us, he was sending a person who would teach us all about it. And he told us you'd be here and talk about him. Please talk to Him!
How wonderful! God reached the unreachable, and did not need anyone. God uses us pro mercy and love.
Friend, let God be God. Lets you use your life as a living example, but live it. Show love without interest. Demonstrate respect for the culture of others, show respect for the other option and let the yeast grow.

Chapter 4:
theology practice
differences and minorities.

The term minority refers to certain human or social group that is outnumbered or socioeconomic subordinate status, political or cultural, in relation to another group, which is majority or dominant in a given society. A minority may be ethnic, religious, linguistic, gender, age, physical or mental condition.
Minorities are not necessarily persecuted or decimated by the dominant group, but historically there are numerous cases of persecution.
Source: http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minoria
We have seen in today's world the persecution of religious minorities, both Christian and Muslim. We have seen persecution of sexual minorities: gays, lesbians, transvestites and transgender. And the persecution of minorities because of their color, are black, or yellow bank.
I have seen very afraid, Christians to address minorities with hate and rancor. The rays of the absurd is when, disguised as evangelism, we say that we want to show them their sin, for gays, but actually we are distilling against them, hate and pre-concept.
The phrases: We have to show them your sin or God loves the sinner but hates the homosexual but homosexuality, are seen phrases on the Internet, on cars and services, but actually hide prejudice to those minorities. The truth is that many Christians confuse his mission on earth, and people seem alienated from their time and their culture. These confuse your Bible where it is written:
"7 But I say it's for your sake I will. If I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send.
8 When he comes, he will convict the world of sin, righteousness and judgment.
9 Of sin, because men do not believe in me;
10 of righteousness, because I go to the Father, and you will not see me no more;
11 Of judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned. "
John 16: 7-11
And they want to make the role of the Holy Spirit in people's lives! Enough of this!
The Lord Jesus commissioned us to preach the good news of the gospel: Jesus saves, Jesus heals, Jesus frees and not the gospel to stay judging and condemning, this is not our role!
Instead of saying: Jesus loves you! We come to say: You go to the dog hell! You are a dirty and filthy! And forget it all comes down in the law shalt love thy neighbor as thyself! If I love myself I want someone to help me love me and lead me, not someone point me, torture me and terrify me to enter heaven. The Holy Spirit is the one who with wisdom and love, show us what our sins, He is God.
The church should be the direction of board showing the way, but many churches want to be the way, the door and the lives of people, is wrong. Jesus is the way, Jesus is the door, Jesus is the life! Only he, only Jesus!
Respect differences and choices is our function. Preach the good news is our work, believing that God will do the rest is our faith!
Salvation is individual act between God and man. We will have many surprises in the sky. Who can enter the heart of man? Only God can. We want to be advocates of "church", that's ridiculous, God knows how to defend, he does not need us.
It seems fun, but know people who criticized gay, said it was wrong and that they should change their lives. But after years, I myself have come to know, their relatives, relatives of the founders of the church I attended, not only had homosexual member, as held in front of the church.
It was the praise of director of church youth leader and after years came to America and became a rent boy. Bought home for the parents, helped the brothers and the same critical of gays, accepted willingly money. And testified:
-It Was God that God me this house!
It was nothing! It was the male prostitution of money that bought the house, the car and food of the people.
In a seminar, without name and address, there was a boy who was walking through the rooms looking for a case and found! In the same seminar, a novel began between a girl and the secretariat of the same, now live together and to my knowledge, preach in churches without anyone knowing their homosexual condition.
Famous group of drummer in the 70s and 80s, after years playing drums in the group, preaching, evangelizing and praying, if gay declared, which was scalding him at the time. What no one noticed is that even being gay, his prayer and preaching take effect, then we must understand that perhaps the condition does not matter, but your heart.
Within large Brazilian church, living above my apartment, two young girls, living in marital regime and later came to know that there are dozens of gay couples there, without declaring.
In another large church, more Pentecostal, where I myself was a member one day a cult healings, miracles and wonders, look a guy in release. I saw nothing more. But when he left the pulpit and went to sit and look back, there were three rows of seats, each row fit 10-15 people, all were gay! They were already there, no one invites them up without others pointed to him, they decided to and participated in worship ... No longer gay! If still do not know.
Son of great man of the church declared gay lately. Shepherd son grew up in the church, lived there and was gay.
See news is:
"Since 1976, the American church Exudos led by Alan Chambers championed the fight against homosexuals acting in favor of the criminalization of the relationship between persons of the same sex and applying methods of" gay cure ". Entertaining, last Wednesday (19) the president of the religious institution published on the organization's website a letter assuming is gay; apologizing to the gay community for all the pain and suffering caused; and publicly declaring the closing of the church. "
These scandals are destroying the gospel. Falsehood, two faces and people in the closet do as much damage as the pursuers.
The church must treat minorities with respect giving them their rights and exercising their, but with love and grace, in Jesus' name.

Chapter 5:
The practical theology of current facts.


We are against violence, but we are more against persecution and the use of infamous and odious means to show a position or draw attention to a fact.
Terrorism in Syria is the end of the world. The murder of minorities, including Christians, is stupid and infamous. Terrorists do not want to help anyone, just want to destroy those and then dominate the rest. We can not bow down to them. We urge our country to take serious action against those who want to impose terror and not by dialogue.
Or we understand that the planet was the target of God's grace that here poured the anointing of life and that is life can die if we continue to treat the planet as something that will never end, although the Bible says that it will end one day but with our help will destroy in no time, you can expect. If the devil can not reap billions of lives, we will.
I believe in civil disobedience. But I firmly believe it is our duty to pray for our leaders and bless them so that you may bless us too.
It is a lack of love the positioning of these who call themselves Christians, that leaves me with pity women. Forcing young people to have children of rape, forcing mothers to carry babies killed nine months in the belly and then buries them is worthy of note cruelty among criminals. Do it with their wives and daughters to do? Do nothing. Certain things only serve to others not for them.
As Jesus said: A burden that they place on others, but not with a finger to back it up.


The deal with immigrants already in the Bible. In my Bible Legal book, dealing this issue, but what I mean is that we should treat them as equals. Why?
1 Abram was illegal alien in the land of promise and took possession of it, because others who want to work honestly and live a dignified life can not take advantage of your country?
2 Joseph of Egypt, if in certain countries that call themselves Christians, would be deported, or called a thief and murderer, as he told me a Christian, who preached the gospel on the internet and soon after distilled hatred against Latinos and immigrants in general. Then all his family immigrated to Egypt, legally, not like him, trafficked into slavery.
Naomi was 3-immigrant and because of their immigration, we have the story of another immigrant, Ruth, who became King David's grandmother.
Finally, our Jesus, the most notable immigrant earth. Immigrated from heaven to a land, that despite having created, no longer belonged to him, because the man had given to the devil the title of ownership. Immigrated, was born, won and took office. Jesus was the great immigrant planet.
Get all you want, donate all you can!
The America and its people are forgetting this principle.
This introduction of Old Testament elements in the services already filled. Paul said that Jesus crucified, days, holidays, moons and years on the cross, in releasing these burdens and now back into the church with them and want to tie in? Never! Somo free in Christ Jesus will not take back the law, go back to the rites and day guards, we are freed from the bondage of the law.


The church is not preaching the new covenant. The "church" is not preaching the New Testament. We are seeing preaching back to the old covenant and the Old Testament. The Old Testament is there to teach us that a people who lived in the region and shadow of death is expected redemption and redemption came through Jesus Christ and not the rites that pointed to Jesus. The line of promise was fulfilled and can not go back, with the risk of lose our salvation by faith and by grace and not by works.
Advocate the use only of the New Testament in other cultures and evangelization of any person.


Immorality is within the churches. Immorality such that neither it turned out. Incest, adultery, murder, robbery, fleeing with pastors departments, lies, sex outside of marriage are the tonic of a current church. Search the topics on the Internet and you'll see if I'm lying.

Food and Beverage:
It is true that for many years the churches have passed a message that drinking is a sin and it demonized all drinks less soda and water. Use many Bible verses but the most used is this:
"... Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God."
I Cor. 6:10
  Well, too says:
"Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like these, about which I tell you, as I have told you before, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God But the fruit of the Spirit is. love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness , temperance. Against such there is no law. and they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. (Galatians 5. 19-24 ARA)
All speak of drunkenness but no one speaks of gluttony that is eating too much! If it is not to drink would also stop eating! But no! Only play in what interests me. Only in that I control. No!
I have argued that drinking is not sin, but be drunk. I told you eat is not a sin, but rather a binge. Drinking in moderation, live and not live to drink, is not and has never sinned. If it was, our Jesus sinned. Why would someone think that the wedding room master in Cana of Galilee drank grape juice or mineral water? Be sensible brother. A glass of wine or beer does not kill anyone, but it helps your health a lot.

If virgin keep is a blessing and sex within marriage is a blessing from God.


I am opposed the shepherds get involved in politics, but I am not against servants and children of God get involved.

Eyes open:
On children. About animals. About the weaker party. On women. On young people and on justice.

The End:

I do not have all the answers, but I know of some. I like to see life and I delight in it. I'm not perfect, but I follow to the target which is Christ Jesus, my Lord and be with his father in glory, Amen.

Pastor. prophet
Rogério Oliveira

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