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segunda-feira, 7 de julho de 2014

The dream I had with President Obama and his wife.News.

The dream I had with President Obama and his wife.

In 2010 I had two dreams, and I must say that the Bible says we should tell the dream as a dream, and not as a revelation from God, first I was in the kitchen talking to someone and when I looked was the United States President Obama. Seemed to be talking about my book Bible Legal, imagine what would be the theme, and behind him was the first lady, Michele Obama, was a kitchen or something, and we were seated at the tables where one gets defrente to another and given point in the conversation the President stretched his arm and felt like it was a wooden or glass and spoke with the first lady and she said, did not tell you! I believe that the interpretation of my book would be something about what she thought. And just as well.
The other day I dreamed reaching the White House and had plenty of chairs facing a location that did not see, but I saw that my right was a building with many windows, was dark in color and traditional windows. And the dream ended.
I thought that year would meet the president, but to date has not happened, but I believe that one day the Lord will take me there to meet you because I am your fan and I think Deuz has a purpose for his life, Michele, and their daughters one Tishbite prophet.
As the prophet Elijah need to get out of where we are and go somewhere else, it's time to glorify the name of Jesus in other lands. As Philip the evangelist, who ascended the chariot of the eunuch of the queen of Ethiopia, and there was already a foreign land, someday I'll be the man in the carriage of the king and receive the Lord's grace to distant lands.
I have waited long for this moment and I believe the Lord will.
PS: I want to tell you something. The more you stall their action, Satan has more time to stop you. 
If you decided to do something for someone, talk to him, do not talk, for example with his wife, you may be throwing away your opportunity to bless someone. 
In recent months I felt that my victory was close, but when I went to get my wife out of nowhere she was late. Is well known, that delay may be that victory was always postponed.

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