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segunda-feira, 7 de julho de 2014

Civil Rights: The homo-affective union

A while ago, not much, I stated that I am in favor of homo-affective union to see it, not a theological expression, but an expression of individual freedom managed by human, democratic laws, and not theocratic, bible. 
I hope this article, as with all others who have written to clarify my point of view on the subject and subsidize all with arguments and counter arguments to the debate and clarify this matter that today's discussion point worldwide. Come on. 
What is Homo-affective Union?
Would marriage between persons of the same sex, thus creating rights and obligations as the right to food and successions as heterosexual couples.

Currently it is still not recognized marriage between persons of the same sex, but several decisions already ensure and broaden the scope of the defense of homo-affective union: 

On May 14, 2013, the Minister of the Supreme Court, Marco Aurélio Mello said about the new rule created by the National Council of Justice (CNJ) requiring registries around the country to perform civil marriage between same sex was inspired by decision taken in May 2011 by the Supreme Court when it was released the stable gay marriage:

"It is recognized eg coexistence of the two asset effect regarding the division of property. Why not have it on paper? Fit or do not like or dislike the decision. I think it reflects what we we live in the 21st century. And the inspiration, the highest base was the pronouncement of the Supreme, although he was not explicit about it. "

But the decision, and as such is the law does not go beyond the request was not handled wedding, the Union homo affective ms, the stable Union Minister Gilmar Mendes it stated: 

  "The court only addressed the issue of stable, ordered to apply the stable union. Until Justice Ayres Britto (rapporteur action) spread but was later reflected that the application itself is only affected to the issue of homo-affective union. "

The clarity of the situation is this: Who can define Homo affective union, or marriage Gay is the constitution, national law through Congress, not the CNJ, which is nothing more than the regulator and not the copyright laws, this function of legislature and not the judiciary. 

Also do not see any problem for gays accepted the rule of the moment because I see that pre-soon the marriage, marriage between persons of the same sex will be regulated in Brazil, because, I repeat, is an individual right and each makes its life as it pleases, provided that it respects the rights of others and do not place the lives of those at risk.

Now, biblically, what can I say about the homo-affective union? 

First is to say that I'll focus on the issue of individuality and self-determination means that autonomy, including self-responsibility and free will of a human being. 
"He who sins is to die. The son shall not bear the guilt of the father, nor the father bear the guilt of the son. The righteousness of the righteous will be credited to him, and the wickedness of the wicked will be charged to him." 
Ezekiel 18:20 
The text is clear in pointing the direction of the personal decision of each individual in your relationship with your Creator, is the person who decides his course of life should receive their merits and accept their bonuses. 
Man is free and freedom is the starting point for your life. If God does not accept the decision of man, this would no longer exist, but the creator accepts, does not interfere and allows the same make of his life what he wants! 
"So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God."
(Rom. 14:12) 
Each course must have their way, if I decide to live a straight life and married to a woman, it is my decision and should be respected, but if the other decided of their own free will, to live with a person of your gender, male or woman, should be respected, simple, respect for individual freedom as God the Father respects. 
In short: The responsibility lies with each one, the homo-affective union should be accepted by all, freedom and individual rights should be the point of that decision. 

Recalling that in Christ there is no Greek or barbarian Jew, male nor female, but all are one in Christ Jesus!

In a bible verse that says: 
  "learned obedience through what he suffered." (Hebrews 5:8). 

If today I can sympathize with gays in this and many other aspects of his claims was the things that I suffered. 
Life as a shepherd, servant of the Lord and treat people like children, as a spiritual father does, I labeled this way. Suffered persecution in college, I could not finish it due to bullying against me which, as I have stated, extrapolated for my private life and took me job opportunities and acceptance within and outside the church. 
Saw employment opportunities diminish and over, saw the opportunities within the church are gone and no more back, I felt the skin which the LGBT community suffered in their lives and do not let them to see what they did to me. 
I thought: My God, if they do this to me, what do homosexuals in this world? 
I changed my point and so changed my view. 
That love of God is he the referee of our hearts. 

Prophet Rogério Oliveira

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