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segunda-feira, 23 de março de 2015

Revealing Secrets Bible news

1- In the book of Genesis says that the sons of God saw the daughters of men and had sex with them, been born the Nephilim, the giants of old.
Okay, what they say and try to explain is that they were not angels, but men who fell.
No, I say NO!
Really are angels who came down and had sex with these women. Those who know what is demonic possession know that demons can take bodies and dwell in them, then we would know that fallen angels or falling, took the body of men and had relationships with these women.
I believe that due to this physical interference, there was a change in the DNA of these beings come into existence the race of giants, the Nephilim.
Resultado de imagem para visoes de ezequiel
2-In the visions of Ezekiel, has always been said that their views look like flying saucers or flying machines. Well, yes are machines because they look and are described as such.
Why look like flying saucers?
What I understand is that men when they die not cease to be men, their consciousness and mind are the same, his fears in the land remain in heaven until perfection, but they did not see anything other than that, be all, or a fool the sky.
If so, the man continues to adapt and understand where you are, with your fears and limitations needing assistance to move.
Think about it: someone who was afraid to jump a puddle, receives the order: down and see the universe! Will shake the base. Then comes the help: A device that assists in transition, a ship something.
Here is entering the machines we see in visions, dreams and revelations, both biblical and personal.

3-Pangea is in the Bible in Genesis book. The bible says that those says the earth was divided.

4- Try to understand the great buildings of antiquity, pyramids, etc., without believing that the man wore all his mental capacity when created is to talk a lot and say little. The man did all this and more, because his mental capacity had not deteriorated at all, but over time, I see and comprovo by the news, we are involution, going back and not forward.
Resultado de imagem para MAtusalem
5 Because the old men lived so long?
Simple! The fact is that not die easily, the man would end yes, longevity would be the rule and not the exception. The man lived so due to the presence of life, God walking in the garden. The anointing of life lived in the country and was and is fading. The total order will be the apocalypse, when the Holy Spirit will be removed from the earth.

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