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sexta-feira, 22 de março de 2013

Dirty Sheets!

A couple, newly married, moved to a very quiet neighborhood.
On the first morning they spent in the house, while drinking coffee, she noticed through the window in a neighbor hanging sheets on the line and said to her husband:
- What she's soiled sheets hanging on the clothesline!
Probably needs a new soap. If I had intimacy ask if she wants me to teach her to wash the clothes!
The husband watched silent.
A few days later, again during breakfast, the neighbor hung sheets on the clothesline and the woman said to her husband:
- Our neighbor keeps hanging the sheets dirty! If I had intimacy ask if she wants me to teach her to wash the clothes!
And so, every two or three days, the woman repeated her speech, while neighboring hang your clothes on the clothesline.
A month later the woman was surprised to see white sheets, white alvissimamente being extended, and was excited to tell her husband:
- Look! She learned to do the laundry, does the other neighbor taught!? Because I was not taught that.
The husband calmly replied,
- No, today I got up early and washed the glass of our window!
And so it is.
Everything depends on the window through which we look at the facts.
Before you criticize, make sure you did something to contribute; make their own mistakes and shortcomings.
We must look, first of all, to our own house, within ourselves.
Only then can we have a real sense of the real value of our friends.
Wash your glass.
Open your window.
"Take first the beam out of your own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye" (Matthew 7:5)
God bless you!

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