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sábado, 28 de dezembro de 2013

Oxygenating His Church and His life

Oxygenating His Church and His life / Oxygenating His Church and His Life , Part I: current and new , personal growth and church of the Lord Jesus for your ideas .

his Church
your Life

Part I:
New and current ideas ,
for your
personal growth and
Church of the Lord Jesus.

If you want to bless and be blessed by God , read this book .
Many feel that the church can not be other than it is , but it can and should be.
Oxygenate your mind with this book and bring new life to your life and church


index :

Chapter I. ...................................... Ideas for church growth ..... 04

CHAPTER II : ................................. Church attendance ............................ 11
CHAPTER III : .................................. Audience ........... ............................. 12
CHAPTER IV : ....... blessing and being blessed financially .... 14

" The Pastor / Prophet Rogério de Oliveira , Shepherd was consecrated in 1993 , on the premises of the Methodist Church in Fort Tower Betim - MG . Once called Strong Tower Ministry . He married in 1998 with Katia Cristiane , Master in Journalism , daughter of a pastor of the Foursquare Gospel in Count , MG . Became Auxiliary for 14 years in this church , IEQ Tabernacle of Prayer , the Amazon - Count - Mg neighborhood pastor , Today exerts independent ministry miracles , was at Gethsemane Baptist Church - Bh , for almost a year , and currently is a member of Pond Baptist Church , where he joined so far , as a member of the body of Cristo.http :/ / www.amazon.com/dp/B00GGO4NHK
A graduate of Bethany Evangelical Seminary , Cel . Fabriciano , class of 86-90 , had to interrupt his studies when missing two months to close due to an illness of his mother , going to help support your home , finished his studies in 2006 , making the reading of 20 books missing for your diploma to be issued . Did Ecclesiastical Administration in Semil Wesleyan Methodist Church , where he had been assistant pastor was accepted in 1990 and is majoring in law , PUC - Minas .
" http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00GGO4NHK
Read Spiritual Domains 1 and 2 . Your life will change . At the Amazon.com site .


Introduction :
            Miracles are the strength of the church . Signs , signs and wonders are the feet of the body of Christ on earth . When I speak of the church , I do not mean a name or plate placed on the door of a temple , but the invisible body of the Lord Jesus on earth , the saved and redeemed in your blood .
Many want to succeed in ministry but do not want to pay the price of success with God . Many want to use the people of God as a means of being recognized and enrich themselves , but do not want to undergo the trials and struggles that precede the victory . Others do not want to be harassed and humiliated by the owners of earthly power , but want to align , composed as they say politicians to be seen and recognized by men but not by God .
The grace of God is given to his glory and not yours, the prosperity of God comes upon you for his glory and not your own, the power of the Holy Spirit comes upon you for his glory and not yours! Lesson forgotten by many who once were used by God and in miracles , signs and wonders prodigiod , but today are old and wormy manna , others fought to bless , but today only know curse and chase , others do not obey the voice of the Lord , preferring to suffer and see their churches wane before full and empty now , both of souls , and the presence of the Holy Spirit .
Let oxygen get in your life and in your church , let the Holy Spirit come and make you what he wants , you bear the miracles happen!


Winning souls, through the gifts of
miracles , signs , wonders and marvels .

            Firstly , and going straight to the point , you my brother and the church must understand that the feet of the church are not the hands . When the church begins to grow in the Acts of the Apostles , their growth and their journey are marked by a supernatural work of the Holy Spirit , and this action is nothing more than taking the gospel in power, this power marked by miracles , signs and wonders and wonders .
Those who know how to " handle " (wrongly used this word , the correct word would be "understanding " ) , the power that the Spirit gives them in their hands achieve greater success in preaching the gospel of the Lord Jesus. This is the mark of the church in the last days , a church moved by the Holy Spirit .
At first, the healings and miracles characterized the preaching of the gospel , see some examples :
- Stephen in Jerusalem.
Stephen was so used by the Holy Spirit , who decided to kill Satan , not Peter, not James or John , Satan decided to kill the one who was doing more damage in hell that any other time of the deacon Stephen, " man full of faith and the Holy Spirit ... Full of Grace and Power ... he did great wonders and signs among the people " Acts 6 : 5-8 .
The anointing was so great about it , what the hell decided that he was to be eliminated . Even taking Peter and John healed the lame and thousands come to the feet of the Lord Jesus through them , the target of the wrath of Satan was the one who did mighty miracles, signs and wonders among the people and called more attention from men of God ( which rose from his throne to receive it ) and Satan ... A man filled with the Holy Spirit .
- Philip the Evangelist in Samaria :

Philip was one of seven chosen to serve not ceased to seek the Lord , under the example of the first martyr he knew he would have to make a difference to be equal or better than Stephen. When the church is persecuted , he leaves Jerusalem and goes through Samaria. In this passage he literally rips through Samaria , not spun conversations , not with fancy designs , but with the power of the Holy Spirit . Thousands become the Lord Jesus , these conversion described thus: " the crowds met the unanimous Philip spake, hearing and seeing the miracles which he did ." Acts 8 : 5-6 .
What signs :
- Demons were cast out and out screaming aloud . There are people who think that the church is not a place of demons manifest , why is there a place of worship . The puppy angel, the church is a place for everything, adoration, deliverance, healing , salvation , you can not determine what the Holy Spirit will perform in his church , much less in your life , it is he who determine growth and mode of work he put into his hands . If he is in control , everything will flow well for the honor and glory of Jesus' name .
We can not use excuses such as:
- Look you do not have faith , gotta have faith. Faith is essential , but we can not live the faith of the church , we have overflowing Him .
- God is no longer so , he wants us to suffer a bit , nê not ? Nê not my brother , the Lord wants you to keep your word : " And these signs shall follow them that believe : In my name shall they cast out devils, speak with new tongues;
They shall take up serpents, and if they drink any deadly thing , not hurt them , they shall lay hands on the sick , and they shall recover .
Mark 16:17-18 , believe , seek, and receive a double portion of the Holy Spirit !
Like Philip, who was so used by God , you will be also used my brother, he was not called an apostle , but the evangelist, like David who tore the lion and the bear in the middle by the Holy Spirit , Philip tore the city Samaria by the power of the gifts of miracles and wonders , and see that when Paul had told Caesarea :
- Paul , prepare a good hotel to stop you, or if you want you can stay in the mansion of the richest brother of Caesarea , which do you choose?
- Boy or hotel or mansion I want to know is Philip the Evangelist , one of the seven , I want to know who tore Samaria in the middle and was caught without bus ticket or plane , I'm at his house !
Say : My victory came in the name of Jesus.

While pastoring in Betim / MG, Strong Tower Ministry , one night a demon manifested itself in a young man who made ​​the biggest poach it possible, it would not come out screaming that he would kill the girl and so on. Was violent and had to hold it strong . He claimed the exit and therefore the street and adjacent sneak out to see the "show" that he gave , of course caused me concern being scandalizing people and they do not come to church.
But nothing , in other cult the church was even more crowded, people passed the information to the other that there God freed himself, who had signs and wonders and the church filled to the honor and glory of Him who lives forever , amen .
- Miracles :
Let the miracles happen in your ministry, do not let the Holy Spirit out of your church, it is He who confirms his preaching my shepherd , He says :
Cute- boy spoke this , I will do the impossible here today , just to honor my son ... And He does ! Believe and let the anointing flow of miracles in your life.
Peter was wonderfully used by God just read the book of Acts , but use the focus and see the results :
In the healing of Aeneas , the whole town learns the miracle , Lida and Sarona , and become the Lord : " And it came to pass , as Peter passed throughout , also came to the saints which dwelt at Lydda . There he found a certain man named Aeneas , who had been bedridden eight years and was paralyzed . Peter said to him : Aeneas, Jesus Christ maketh thee whole : arise , and make thy bed . And soon arose . And saw him all that dwelt at Lydda and Sarona , which turned to the Lord . " Acts 9 : 32-35 .
In the resurrection of Dorcas , Joppa noted the fact and many were converted to the Lord .
Paul :
Long used the letters of Paul to shape the floor of the church, how to win souls and what to do in worship , how to teach the church and the progress of cults . All this is good and almost always correct , I say almost because our new interpretations seem more written text than the sound interpretation of the Pauline letters .
Notice what Paul says about his ministry :
- And I , brethren, when I came to you , declaring unto you the testimony of God , came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom . Because I know I proposed nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified " 1 Corinthians 2:1-2
and stop preaching or reading at this point . Continue reading blessed, continues ...
" And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power: . That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of God " 1 Corinthians 2 :4 -5
The problem being that they are changing their toes , exchanging certain actions aimed at the church fellowship members as a way to win souls for the Lord Jesus. Not all actions to reach the lost are wrong , that's not what I'm saying , I'm saying that some ministries are not in fellowship and evangelism and we can not as pastors and workers of the Lord , depend on them .
Understand that bring crowds miracles the Lord's house , church ministries keep them there ! Discipleship , praise , teaching, cells , this or that is to maintain and entrench the people in the church . Use your feet to walk my beloved brother and not your hands .
A few years ago , a great man of God set out to win souls for the Lord Jesus , struggled , thought , imagined and put into practice their plans . Posts by mail , distributing Bibles and itinerant preachers , did a bit of everything and the result was discouragement . Not knowing what else to do , decided to conduct an evangelistic crusade with men of God to Africa and brought some of the most renowned men of God of the season .
At any given time one of the cults , the evangelist who preached , called him and said :
- Starting today , the anointing that is on me, on this you double ... Knows what the anointing , the anointing of miracles , you know who was the man who received the anointing : Reinhard Bonnke . From that day on , the ministry of this man began to change , the cult has done to 500 hundred , the cult made ​​for 500 gave five thousand, five thousand gave 10 000 , bought the tents no longer behaving the people who came nobody knew where , but I tell you , God knew him . You know the rest of the story , his ministry today attracts millions in Africa .
Note: the prayer was made by one of the brothers Jeffrey , used in miracles in England for many years .
Always check what Paul wrote what he spoke , many erroneous interpretations have emerged for this lack of careful interpretation of the Pauline letters .

One day Jesus said to Peter :
- Cast the net and find the right fish!
- Sir , I worked all night , I struggled , I used all the known , all sorts of gimmick techniques and even invented some and got nothing ... But in thy word I will lower the nets ... And you know the result , 150 big fish came to the boat .
My beloved brother , you may be struggling , working hard , fraying , in your company , on your trade in your church . Creating ways and more ways to sell , manage and win souls and have not gotten the results you want. Please let it work with you from now on , let the Lord give the right strategies and do the impossible for you . When you trust Him completely , the results began to happen in your company , in your trade , your home and your church .
An English pastor told us this :
- Pastored in London and his church was not growing , his life was very difficult and even her son was into drugs . Night and day fighting for the gospel preached , prayed , distributing leaflets , plans and nothing . There were times he thought about giving up , drop everything but the census of duty and love of God kept him steady.
One night , those you know well , prayed to the Lord , tears of grief , sadness and despair ran down his face , and after pouring your heart , like wax at the altar said :
- Father , help me, I can not alone ! The answer was this :
- I can now do what I want to accomplish in your life? You leave ?
- Write your will Lord !
Me play to bring the souls that I'll bring them to you , ask me what you want I will do !
The pastor took the hint , and thereafter began to pray,
- Lord sends souls to my church , in the name of Jesus , Holy Spirit , brings the lost your house in the name of Jesus!
You know what happened ? On Sunday , he said , without knowing where they came from , and two hundred people came through the door of the church , dozens accepted Jesus and one of which came through the door , it was his son who was into drugs and revolted against the family returned to earthly father and his heavenly father , alleluia !
Let God help you in your work , in Jesus' name !
cults :
I will seek to trace the shape of an ideal worship, an idea is not an imposition , you can change anything , but the essence is preserved , can lead your church to respond quickly to the needs of its people , without having to wait for the next service , or next month , or even next meeting .
Cults to purpose:
Cults purposeless not reach people's hearts . When they come to the house of the Lord has come aware of what they need and some who received what they need. Advertise purposes in their services , but not one, forget this business of thematic services , you will kill the people inside the church. But why?
Simple beloved puppy angel, you have within the cults not just one type of people and problems you have on the diversity, variety , if you bring one word will kill the one who is sick in body , if you only do prayer of miracles , will kill the one who needed to hear a word of help and so on . Cults that are dominated by musicians , many may look good and elevate the worship , but kill the whole purpose of the church is to win souls , there must be purpose within the cult .
Purpose one: worship as preparation for worship to come. Worship with purpose. The music is the servant of preaching and prayer.

message :
 If it is yours, directed to the purpose , if the preacher out of his trust and let God use it sometimes bring a message from God. The time is at most 30 minutes , after that the people will not hear you anymore and often only serves to fill sausage and slipping. Of course the times and herders , such is the anointing and wisdom , we can listen to them for days , there ... We give glory to God .
prayer :
Release the gift of miracles , divine healing , power , revelation , vision , let God use you as He has trained you, if not, call your pastor and ask him to lay hands on you to receive a double portion in name of Jesus , He will not fail thee a man of God .
There are people in some churches that are in stasis , waiting seems something more , something that never comes , they come to worship waiting for God to speak to them or pastor pray over your problem , but nothing , are desperate when they leave church , entering and exiting the same way , this can not stand , we must respond to the needs of those who suffer , those who need , are members of the church are visitors , targets of our preaching and prayer, if we do not these people sought another place where he was offered the solution of your problem .

How to captivate people in the church :

Cells : places of communion and a first contact with the lost members of the body of Christ .
Angels : angels here are members of the cells that are directly responsible for an individual who converts . Each one taking care of one, you win you care .
Ministries : The wonderful ministries that we have within the church : Men, women , motorcycles , youth , teens and etc. .
Here yes , use their creativity , their talent to keep active and involved people within the church , idleness kills Christian . Create ways to keep believers united is a great opportunity for fellowship , but careful not to alienate his church in the world , give space so they can relate out , if not, kill the purpose of his sheep, to be salt and light of the world the earth. Create ways to evangelize to them , simple modes that can be undertaken by them , ideas that come from them and that they undertake .
Be creative in your life :
Think , read , search, and create new methods to be different . Do not let tradition hold you or the old tie , but be innovative , add your company , invest in people that bring good and new things that are creative and not killer ideas .
When I worked in the largest builder of properties of Minas Gerais , they left for 32 new ideas , which are still used today and do not know what they will do when they findarem because my already made six years .
Be creative in your home, do not let the beast take communion between you and his wife and children. Innovate , create stroll , fish , go to church with them , participate in everything and you will find that it pays to be innovative .
Be creative .


Target audience :

            It is important to define which audience you want to work . Often thought to work only with young people , drug addicts , men of business and invest it to our workforce or other segmented our company and unable to reach new audiences .
I think I could, by a word from God for me , a definite for the church audience. This audience is everywhere , in all strata of society , in groups A , b , c , d, e , are rich and poor, young and old, men and women : The public are the ones who suffer .
Much of our effort is to reach people who do not want to hear the gospel , despise us and to our God , and stayed there , just like puppies wanting a minute of attention comes my brother , Jesus came for the sick , this is what he meant , who's needs are not a physician, but those who are sick in body, soul and spirit , these need .
David when he fled from Saul and lived a bit of it , as they gathered to all bitter and ale indebted Israel , these later became the mighty men of David , men who faced giants , lions and many larger armies and were victorious .
Say, who walks with giant killer turns giant killer too!
Boat not God in a drawer and close by saying that this is how God does:
He does not call the qualified , but qualifies the chosen .
He trained for his work calls .
- God does not call those who are idle.
- God calls those who are stopped and gives you what to do .
Enough of that , you know why, He calls whom He will , be employed , be unemployed , be able , be someone less qualified , it is He who calls , let God be Lord in our midst .
The only group that touches the heart of the father is suffering because He suffers with them , orphans , widows and the sick , look at the care of the Lord Jesus with these and you 'll see that this is the way . The others will come when they see these transformed lives within his church , will come to understand that mystery is this , a church that cares about others who do not care :
political - destroyed
IT entrepreneur in trouble ,
her desperate mother ,
- Dad aimlessly ,
- the young heartbroken ,
- the sick in body and soul ,
- the police in crisis
- the doctor who wants to commit suicide ,
rich that it has everything except peace of mind .
Believe me , write on the door of his church :
If it had not been used :
- Stop suffering !
May the Lord bless you !
It is time for miracles in your life !

Chapter IV :
Blessing and being blessed financially :

" ! Who is ashamed , my son is hungry ," hear this phrase from my mother when looking for a job and came to the scene and stood in the corners, ashamed , humble, poor , and then leaves the same way I entered : unemployed and hungry .
Pastor who is afraid of speaking in tithes and offerings passes many problems . Mainly because it leaves to bless the church in an area that is vital to her and be yourself, because it is supported by grants of tithes and offerings.
Businessman who is afraid of selling your fish to life will not be easy . People who are ashamed , unable to achieve their goals , the simple fact that no one hears them .
tithes :
            We already know that the tithe is established by God , we know that priests are sustained by them , that it is a source of protection against the devourer , the demon that attacks our financial lives . That Jesus corroborated when he said :
- Matthew 23:23 - Woe unto you , scribes and Pharisees , hypocrites , for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law : justice and mercy and faith ; ought , however, do these things without neglecting the others !
So when you say that the New Testament does not decimate scrubs in this verse ... Amen my brother do not only cite and is too good .
offers :
            Offer is gratitude to God for what he has done for me, is willingly and joyfully blessed one who has an open heart to offer .
The Lord be with you.

Contacts for lectures and cults :
Pastor Rogério de Oliveira
31 - 8921-6205
" The Pastor / Prophet Rogério de Oliveira , Shepherd was consecrated in 1993 , on the premises of the Methodist Church Strong Tower , named after Strong Tower Ministry , married in 1998 with Katia Cristiane , journalist , daughter of a pastor of the Foursquare Gospel in count , MG . Became pastor Auxiliary for 14 years in this church , IEQ Tabernacle of Prayer , the Amazon - Count - Mg neighborhood , Today exerts independent ministry miracles , was at Gethsemane Baptist Church - Bh , but a member of the Baptist Church Pond, where joined , yet , as a member of the body of Christ .
A graduate of Bethany Evangelical Seminary , Cel . Fabriciano finished his studies in 2006 , making the reading of 20 books that were missing for your diploma to be issued . Did Ecclesiastical Administration in Semil Wesleyan Methodist Church , where she was also accepted with assistant pastor in 1990 and is majoring in law , PUC -Minas . "