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sábado, 30 de junho de 2012

The Supper of the strengthening!

This week we had a cult where he taught very blessed supper of the building. The supper is strengthening based on the life of Elijah, when he fled from Jezebel, he stopped in the desert and slept under a juniper tree. When he awoke, an angel told him:
-Elijah raises eats and drinks. He got up and ate and drank and slept again.
Then the angel the other day, you wake up saying:
Elias-up, eat and drink, because you still have long way to go ... and the strength of that water and that bread forty days and forty nights.

At the time Elias was in deep depression, unable to live without the strength to work, unable to face life and its struggles. Deep depression and despondency would be the diagnosis of the Prophet of God.
In strengthening the administration of the meal, ask the Lord Jesus, to pour a double portion in those who are depressed, wanting to death, no longer wanting to live but to die. Those who can not or forces to get off the couch to work with various syndromes, which are nothing less than: NO POWER TO LIVE.
And God restored beautifully, listen to people who received this revival, which came home and packed up everything, did not sleep, they were blessed in the other day with renewed strength, glory to God.
May the Lord bless you.
Cures and revelations were delivered to the glory of God.
Pastor Rogério de Oliveira.

The Supper of the Strengthening!

I would pray about the lives of veterans of the Army, Navy and Airforce this blessing. I believe God will bless their lives and families.
Nesta semana tivemos um culto muito abençoado onde ministrei a ceia do fortalecimento. A ceia do fortalecimento é baseado na vida do Profeta Elias, que quando fugia de Jezabel, parou no deserto e dormiu debaixo de um zimbro. Quando acordou, um anjo lhe disse:
-Elias, levanta come e bebe. Ele levantou comeu e bebeu e voltou a dormir.
Depois, o anjo no outro dia, lhe acorda dizendo:
-Elias levanta, come e bebe, porque ainda tens muito que caminhar... e com a força daquela água e daquele pão caminhou quarenta dias e quarenta noites.
Naquele momento Elias estava em depressão profunda, sem forças para viver, sem forças para trabalhar, sem forças para encarar a vida e suas lutas. Depressão e desanimo profundos seriam o diagnostico de Profeta de Deus.
Na ministração da ceia do fortalecimento, peço ao Senhor Jesus, que derrame porção dobrada na vida daqueles que estão em depressão, querendo a morte, não mais querendo viver, mas morrer. Aqueles que não conseguem forças nem para levantar do sofá para trabalhar, com síndromes diversas, que é nada mais nada menos, resumida na frase: SEM FORÇAs PARA VIVER.
E Deus restaurou maravilhosamente, ouve pessoas que receberam tal renovação, que chegaram em casa e arrumaram tudo, não dormiram, ficaram abençoados no outro dia, com forças renovadas, glória a Deus.
Que o Senhor te abençoe.
Curas e revelações foram entregues para a glória de Deus.
Pr. Rogério

This week we had a very blessed worship where I taught supper strengthening. The Supper strengthening is based on the life of Elijah, when he fled from Jezebel, stopped in the desert and slept under a juniper tree. When he woke up, an angel told him:
-Elias Raises eat and drink. He raised ate and drank and went back to sleep.
Then the angel the other day, you wake up saying,
-Elias Up, eat and drink, because we still have much to walk ... and the strength of that water and that bread forty days and forty nights.

At that time Elijah was in deep depression, unable to live without the strength to work, unable to face life and their struggles. Depression and deep despondency would be the diagnosis of Prophet of God.
In strengthening Supper ministry, I ask the Lord Jesus to pour double portion in those who are depressed, wanting death, not wanting to live, but to die. Those who fail to weak to get off the couch to work with various syndromes, which is nothing more or less summed up in the phrase: SEM strength to live.
And God restored beautifully, hear people who received such renewal, which came home and packed everything, not slept, they were blessed in the other day, with renewed strength, glory to God.
May the Lord bless you.
Healings and revelations were delivered to the glory of God.
Pr. Rogério 

sexta-feira, 1 de junho de 2012

Miracles in the Fourth Friday!

Day 30/05 It was a wonderful service in the Methodist Church renews Strong Tower, Líndeia in BH. God showed what was hidden in the lives of several brothers through the anointing of Micah 5:12. miracles: A sister who had an allergy in his hands, came to scratch it on the wall and draw blood from his fingers. Red was the color of blood, she received the healing and the color changed from his hand at the time, coming home, Satan wanted to bring back the itch, but she said I'm healed, bathed, slept, and the next day no longer was nothing else! Glory to Deeeeeus! A lady who had severe pain which came after the birth and would undergo surgery was healed in time for the glory of God. A child who was very strong cardia arrhythmia, when I put the hands on his chest, his heart felt like it was an electric current, I prayed: Heart-to reassure heart, acalmate! He immediately returned to normal, the pulse became normal ....! I asked his mother who puts up his hand and it is confirmed, and she confirmed! Several received the weight loss and other great blessings!

Milagres na Quarta!

Dia 30/05
Foi um culto maravilhoso, na Igreja Metodista Renovada Torre Forte, no Líndeia BH.
Deus mostrou aquilo que estava oculto na vida de vários irmãos através da unção de Miqueias 5:12.
Uma irmã que estava com uma alergia nas mãos, chegou a coça-la na parede e arrancar sangue de seus dedos.  Estava vermelha cor de sangue, ela recebeu a cura e a cor de sua mão mudou na hora, chegando em casa, satanás quis trazer de volta a coceira, mas ela disse: Já estou curada, tomou banho, dormiu, e no dia seguinte já não havia mais nada! Glória a Deeeeeus!
Uma senhora que estava com dores fortes que lhe vieram após o parto e que iria passar por uma cirurgia foi curada na hora para glória de Deus.
Uma criança que estava com fortíssima arritmia cardia, quando coloquei às mãos sobre seu peito, sentia como se seu coração fosse uma corrente elétrica, orei:
-Coração tranquilize-se, coração, acalmate! Imediatamente ele voltou ao normal, os batimentos se tornaram normais....!
Pedi a sua mãe que coloca-se a mão e confirma-se, e ela confirmou!

Vários receberam o emagrecimento e outras grandes bençãos!