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segunda-feira, 4 de julho de 2016

God's Love: Devocional

"Because God loved the world in such a way, that he gave his/her only son, so that all that that has faith in him, don't perish, but he has the eternal life! "
João 3:16
Today, in my moment of prayer, I could feel the great love of God, as if it was love waves about my life. Love that looks at somebody as small as I, somebody that nothing has, nothing possesses, and nothing can of himself.
Friend, you can also feel this love in his/her life, it is enough to leave Jesus to enter in his/her life. To leave that Him if it turns part of you and that, no more solitary, alone in this world, you are in the company of God that came and he/she died for us in that cross of the calvary.
Jesus loves you!
I want to leave this small text here to friends that I could not know personally: Texan, A friend and brother, Sincerely, one of the most intelligent minds that I already heard. Paz and blessing about his/her life.
Soldier Quin, God is God of liberations. You know what God has for you. Paz and grace.
Men and women that I don't know the name but that do and they will make difference in my life, God is faithful to bless you!
Shepherd and Prophet

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