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sábado, 30 de junho de 2012

The Supper of the strengthening!

This week we had a cult where he taught very blessed supper of the building. The supper is strengthening based on the life of Elijah, when he fled from Jezebel, he stopped in the desert and slept under a juniper tree. When he awoke, an angel told him:
-Elijah raises eats and drinks. He got up and ate and drank and slept again.
Then the angel the other day, you wake up saying:
Elias-up, eat and drink, because you still have long way to go ... and the strength of that water and that bread forty days and forty nights.

At the time Elias was in deep depression, unable to live without the strength to work, unable to face life and its struggles. Deep depression and despondency would be the diagnosis of the Prophet of God.
In strengthening the administration of the meal, ask the Lord Jesus, to pour a double portion in those who are depressed, wanting to death, no longer wanting to live but to die. Those who can not or forces to get off the couch to work with various syndromes, which are nothing less than: NO POWER TO LIVE.
And God restored beautifully, listen to people who received this revival, which came home and packed up everything, did not sleep, they were blessed in the other day with renewed strength, glory to God.
May the Lord bless you.
Cures and revelations were delivered to the glory of God.
Pastor Rogério de Oliveira.

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